Scobe's Quick Tip #61
Hope springs eternal but most casino games are based on math.
If you are experiencing a losing streak, the math does not indicate on most games that such a streak will end anytime soon. That same holds true for a winning streak.
Trends can only be discerned in retrospect, not in advance.
What is to come is unknown. But you can hope!
For more on casino gambling read Guerrilla Gambling by Frank Scoblete.
Scobe's Quick Tip #62
The Big Wheel was a carnival game before it made its way onto the casino floor. P.T. Barnum, the very same man who said: "There's a sucker born every minute," also worked the carnival scene.
The connection is this -- only a person who fit P.T. Barnum's description would play the Big Wheel.
If you like wheels, try roulette.
For more on casinos read Ask Barney by Barney Vinson.