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Gaming Gurus: Strategy Expert Article Archive - Page 39
Good Strategy That Might Look Bad18 June 2023 Blackjack Bob and I met for breakfast in the first week of June. In a major upset, it took all the way until the food arrived before the talk turned to blackjack.The turn from families and baseball was inevitable, and it was Bob who broke the ice."I had a run of soft 18 hands and 19 hands last week, and I'm afraid I horrified a couple of players," he moreVideo Poker Quiz: Three Aces and Kicker?17 June 2023 This article contains a video poker strategy quiz.I get many questions about hands containing three aces and a kicker of a 2, 3, or 4.Let’s look at a couple of different games and the infamous three aces and a kicker.The quiz assumes the maximum five credits are moreThe Royal Flushes Roulette Experiment15 June 2023 CINDY: We are coming to the end of our real-life “have a go at it” roulette experiment. We’ve each played 100 hours of roulette over the past few months, maybe two to three two-hour sessions a day for that period of time. That’s four to six hours of play per moreAsk the Slot Expert: Is playing free play gambling?14 June 2023
Question: Recently I quit gambling. Yet, I get free play every week. That is the only thing that I plan to use in the casino. I have already used it three times and walked out without spending a penny of my own money.
I do not consider myself a gambler anymore even though I use the free moreRandom or Not?13 June 2023 There are several problems with randomness. The first, and most obvious, is that randomness is often mistaken for non-randomness. This you see at gambling games of all types.The casino is filled with players who think the games are not random but are controlled, perhaps, by some mysterious force that the casinos have plugged into.A roulette game where red has hit four times in a row on the wheel is often thought to be “biased” in favor of moreStrip Games Getting Tougher11 June 2023 QUESTION: I read an article on Apple News and I wanted to get your take. It said visitors to Las Vegas were losing more money than they used to, and it was because blackjack payoffs were lower and roulette wheels had triple zeroes.How much difference does that really make? I love Las Vegas and don't want to stop going.ANSWER: The report you mention originated in the Wall Street Journal on May 29, then spread to Apple News, Yahoo News and other outlets.It deals with conditions on the Las Vegas moreAnnoying Players10 June 2023 Annoying Video Poker PlayersBy Jerry “Stickman”From Blaine:Hi Stickman,I just returned from three days at my favorite casino. I really enjoy playing video poker. I spend several hours each day on the machines. This trip was very annoying to moreDavid and Goliath8 June 2023 CINDY: Following up on last week’s biblical tale of Sampson and Delilah, we bring you another biblical story, an even more famous one, David and Goliath. We will all be Davids in this tale, men and women, battling our own versions of Goliath, the casinos in all their amazingly overwhelming might.ABBY: I think we all know this moreAsk the Slot Expert: Suspicious activity at the slots7 June 2023
Question: Have been to Everett, MA Encore Casino 5 times in last 3 weeks. There is the same group of persons, not gambling, but hovering around slot machines that are actively winning. As soon as the person leaves the machine, they go over and deposit a voucher, press a lot on the moreRollercoaster6 June 2023 The rollercoaster or roller coaster was created in Russia, somewhere around the time of Catherine the Great, who also loved sleek stallions. She was a woman who loved a good ride.She was said by many eyewitness accounts from people who were sadly and brutally put to death for daring to see her ride down the hill screaming her lungs more |
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