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Star Brooks Gaming GuruThe Return of Star Brooks23 February 2008
By Star Brooks I wanted everyone to know what happened to Star Brooks because today I made the decision to kill her. You might be saying "what?" I know I am. I made the decision to change my name and use my pen name back in the mid - 80's. Times were simpler then, and according to California law then all I needed to do was change it on my driver's license and on my social security card, become an "aka" for a few years and then it would be legally changed or so I thought. My husband did the same and then we married. The "a.k.a." part finally went away. I did everything under the name "Star Brooks" and even worked and filed my taxes under the name. Until now. I am so depressed that I have to change my name to my birth name to be legal it sucks, but the driver's license expires on my birthday, which is the 23rd of February and I cannot drive, I have my original birth certificate and according to Nevada law I need that and my original social security card, and I can qualify for and get my Nevada i.d.. I was going to go to Truckee and get my license renewed in the name of Star but I no longer had a California address. I cannot drive, at least not a stick shift because I was fired from the job I loved in August and failed to find medical help which included taking blood pressure pills regularly and the state did not help me before I suffered a debilitating stroke. I was in the hospital for over 30 days and am still waiting on that help. I want to let everyone know that there is no system to fall on, and it seems particularly broken in Nevada. It has been a poor choice of where to live. Now I have little proof of anything I did during the nearly 30 years I did them and I cannot afford a legal name change. I am stuck with a name I am not familiar with and I absolutely hate it. I have gone through a lot this past year, in the name of gambling and the life-style of a gambler. I have nibbled at the ankles of casino heads and corporations alike. I have seen it go from days of manual tracking to the pin point precision of the tracking player's club cards. I have gone from somebody who counts as someone to being virtually nobody at all. I should be used to it but I am not. I grew up believing in the American dream, and there isn't one. If there is, I don't know where or who had a monopoly on it, but I am sure it isn't in a Nevada casino unless you happen to win a life-changing amount. That surely ain't me! I urge everyone looking at moving to Nevada to weigh the consequences thoroughly. It is a right to work state. Resources for the poor, the elderly, or the disabled do not exist. There are no bones to be thrown. It isn't the same in every state, I know now that leaving California was almost a fatal mistake. Others dreaming of moving to Nevada should think thrice about it. You can now gamble almost everywhere. I will still keep up with Nevada casinos, still think it is a great place to visit, but I certainly do not wish to live here. If I suddenly woke up with money to spare and good health I would take my money and my health and move. But if you are looking to visit, please check http://www.theRenoGambler.com for updates on what is happening at places like Circus Circus, the Eldorado, Boomtown, the Atlantis, and more. I'm still in touch with their PR people and will continue to pass that on. You can reach me by email at renogambler@hotmail.com. This article is provided by the Frank Scoblete Network. Melissa A. Kaplan is the network's managing editor. If you would like to use this article on your website, please contact Casino City Press, the exclusive web syndication outlet for the Frank Scoblete Network. To contact Frank, please e-mail him at fscobe@optonline.net. Reno Memories7 January 2006
It's a wet one, nobody can argue about the weather in Reno lately. Every other day has yielded rain, wind, or snow. It's above average temperatures, which is fine with me… I don't seem to miss the additional opportunities snow gives me to injure myself. The weather service seems to be about 20 mph wrong ... (read more)
The Return of Star Brooks25 December 2005
Wow, it's been over a year since I have said anything... It's hard to believe! But I have had disaster on top of disaster, blown up two more computers, had a couple of viruses, had internet connection problems, been hospitalized once in ICU with extremely high blood pressure, taken a nasty fall, had more ... (read more)
Happy Holidays to Everyone!18 December 2004
'Tis the season to wander through the stores and malls and casinos to view the season's decorations... and Reno has its
"cheer" on...the Reno Hilton is lit up red and green with a Happy Holiday message...the Reno skyline is equally red and green and it is an inviting sight.
I received an e-mail survey form from the Reno Hilton the other day. ... (read more)
Thunder Not So Loud?Thunder Valley, the Station Casinos/Auburn Rancheria casino that opened on the 9th of June in Lincoln, California (just over the mountain from Reno) isn't having a very visible impact on Reno, and I think maybe there are a couple of issues that will keep things that way. ... (read more)How-To's for Gamblers and Casino ManagementThis week turns tongue in cheek as I present my how-to's for casino gamblers and casino management.... For gamblers.... How to maximize making your fellow gamblers miserable.... start by sitting in a row of non-smokers with either a cigar or a cigarette and watch them choke and cough while you make their eyes water. ... (read more)One Hundred TimesIf my count is right, this is the one hundredth column I have written here. I had to think back, remembering all the ups, and all the major downs.... sometimes shuddering.... that have occurred during that time. When I started writing, I was new to the business, having just started the Tahoe Gaming Guide..... ... (read more)What Price Entertainment?I’ve noticed a growing trend.... now instead of finding happy gamblers playing the newer slots, I am instead finding clumps of gamblers piled into the remaining "old" slots.... standing room only for the video pokers... and it is getting harder and harder to find an uncrowded group of video keno machines. ... (read more) |