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Is It Real?

22 August 2024

CINDY: I have a big problem when it comes to playing in the casinos.

ABBY: Yeah? Tell me about it. If I don’t already know that is.

CINDY: Oh, you know; for sure you know.

ABBY: Go ahead.

CINDY: I don’t want to leave the casino and do anything else. I mean I will leave tonight or tomorrow but my next activity will be going to the casinos again. I always feel such a rush when I play and I play very moderately. But the casino is my drug.

ABBY: Interesting way to put it.

CINDY: Maybe not exactly a drug because I rarely get hurt at a casino since I play the right strategies and I – just as important – can control my betting. My money management is very good. It is my inner self that hungers for casino play. Seriously. It makes everything with it just that much better.

ABBY: I think I know the feeling. If we go to a great restaurant near us then we have a great meal and we go home or to a show or whatever. There is no inner excitement the way there is in the casino because every upcoming minute, even if you are eating a fine meal, just means another great minute awaits.

CINDY: Exactly! There is a sense of the excitement of things in the house of Lady Luck.

ABBY: Maybe like this. Follow me. When you went to a movie 50 years ago if the special effects were great, you tended to like the movie but today the special effects are always good but the picture better be really good too. We don’t tolerate a dull story or one that meanders about. The casino puts an edge of excitement in everything. It is one big special effect.

CINDY: You walk in and you can feel it, right? The energy flows throughout the place. I wonder how that happens? Some people are winning and some people are losing but the excitement level remains high almost all the time. Is that feeling just the hope that some players always have about possibly winning their session?

ABBY: That could be but I think there is a subtle sense that these places, the casinos, are special because they are unique.

CINDY: But they are found almost all over the world.

ABBY: True. But the uniqueness is plugged into something that stimulates us…

CINDY: Winning money?

ABBY: That, yes, but some other things too. The entire casino is there so you can be entertained and find fulfillment. You go to a buffet. Now a buffet is just a buffet; yet the casino buffet holds some mystery. Well, maybe not mystery. It holds a fascination.

CINDY: How much can I eat before I pass out?

ABBY: Okay, maybe I am putting too much emphasis here.

CINDY: I get the picture. Give me a choice of going to the casino this week or going to a play what would I take?

ABBY: The casino.

CINDY: No feeling like it.

ABBY: None.

CINDY: Nope.

ABBY: Final question for you.


ABBY: How much of this is inside you and how much actually exists in the atmosphere of the casino?

CINDY: If it’s in me than…you know, I don’t really know.
Royal Flushes

Abby Royal is a lawyer and Cindy Royal is a school administrator. Together, they are the Royal Flushes. The sisters play weekly or bi-weekly in such venues as Atlantic City, Las Vegas, Pennsylvania and Indian casinos throughout the country. They also enjoy the casinos on cruise ships. They know their stuff and have some great stories about their exploits.
Royal Flushes
Abby Royal is a lawyer and Cindy Royal is a school administrator. Together, they are the Royal Flushes. The sisters play weekly or bi-weekly in such venues as Atlantic City, Las Vegas, Pennsylvania and Indian casinos throughout the country. They also enjoy the casinos on cruise ships. They know their stuff and have some great stories about their exploits.