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Rob van der Gaast Article Archive
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Rob van der Gaast Archives
Rob van der Gaast Archives
Q.& A. | Ales Kulich, QLot Consulting
(4 June 2009)
Q.& A. | Lars Porko, Former C.E.O., PAF
(12 May 2009)
Q.& A. | Emmanuel de Rohan Chabot
(21 January 2009)
Q.& A. | Selcuk Senguler
(11 September 2008)
Q.& A. | Ales Kulich
(30 May 2008)
Q & A: Jean Moreau Jørgensen
(15 February 2008)
Q & A: Henrik Norsk Hoffmann
(30 January 2008)
Liberalization Is Not the People's Choice
(13 September 2007)
Eye on Europe - 11 September 2007
(11 September 2007)
bwin Free to Advertise in Germany?
(7 September 2007)
Q & A: Jesper Kärrbrink
(5 September 2007)
De Lotto's Veenstra Takes on Brussels, Ladbrokes
(24 August 2007)
McCreevy's Leg Pulled by Dutch Minister
(22 August 2007)
Eye on Europe - 20 August 2007
(20 August 2007)
Szerencsejáték Bets on the Internet
(17 August 2007)
Brussels to Germany: Ditch the Ban, Draft a New Plan
(15 August 2007)
Cycling: An Unsure Bet for Bookmakers
(8 August 2007)
New Dutch Law: More of the Same
(6 August 2007)
AAMS Levels 4 Billion-Euro Fine against Lottomatica
(27 July 2007)
Eye on Europe - 27 July 2007
(27 July 2007)
Eye on Europe - 19 July 2007
(19 July 2007)
Belgian Poker in Brief
(17 July 2007)
Monopoly Fighter on Its Way
(12 July 2007)
Spain Moves Toward Sports-Betting Regulation
(11 July 2007)
Eye on Europe - 5 July 2007
(5 July 2007)
Prospects for Intralot in Turkey
(3 July 2007)
Germany: What a Week
(20 June 2007)
Q & A: Rainer Jacken
(14 June 2007)
Money Laundering Directive Not only for Casinos
(12 June 2007)
Eye on Europe - 29 May 2007
(29 May 2007)
Navigating the Road to Privatization
(23 May 2007)
Eye on Europe - 21 May 2007
(21 May 2007)
Eye on Europe - 17 May 2007
(17 May 2007)
Not Quite Three Strikes for Ladbrokes
(10 May 2007)
Eye on Europe - 9 May 2007
(9 May 2007)
I-Casino Spam Hits Netherlands
(8 May 2007)
New Tax Plan Could End German Betting Monopolies
(25 April 2007)
Polish Betting Bedlam
(24 April 2007)
Eye on Europe - 18 April 2007
(18 April 2007)
OPAP: 'Will Hill Will Not Succeed'
(17 April 2007)
Eye on Europe - 10 April 2007
(10 April 2007)
A Legal Inequality?
(6 April 2007)
Eye on Europe - 3 April 2007
(3 April 2007)
Eye on Europe - March 28, 2007
(28 March 2007)
German Monopolies Here to Stay?
(28 March 2007)
German States Advised to Change Draft Agreement on Gambling Monopolies
(23 March 2007)
Call TV: No Fair Play!
(22 March 2007)
Spring Brings Hope for Private Operators in Europe
(21 March 2007)
Eye on Europe - March 12, 2007
(13 March 2007)
ECJ Ruling May Pave the Cross-Border Way
(7 March 2007)
Placanica Ruling - Is the EU Betting Industry Finally Unshackled?
(6 March 2007)
Sports Betting: Sweden vs. Turkey
(5 March 2007)
Eye on Europe - March 2, 2007
(2 March 2007)
Building a Wall around France
(2 March 2007)
The Vikings Are Coming Again
(28 February 2007)
Not an Easy Test
(15 February 2007)
German Commercial Broadcaster Loses Gambling Advertising Case
(13 February 2007)
A Chink in the Armor?
(7 February 2007)
Germany's 'Internet Dogs' Seek Global Solutions
(6 February 2007)
Eye on Europe - Feb. 5, 2007
(5 February 2007)
Eye on Europe - Jan. 19, 2007
(19 January 2007)
Can There Be a Single Voice?
(17 January 2007)
Turmoil in Turkey
(17 January 2007)
Eye on Europe - Jan. 15, 2007
(15 January 2007)
Champagne Feeling in Malta
(12 January 2007)
Lottomatica Eyes US Privatizations
(9 January 2007)
Italy - And the Winners Are . . .
(3 January 2007)
Eye on Europe - Jan. 3, 2007
(3 January 2007)
Eye on Europe - Dec. 20, 2006
(20 December 2006)
EU E-Enlargement
(18 December 2006)
Landmark Ruling for Soccer Clubs and Players vs. Bookies
(18 December 2006)
PAF Study Reveals Diverse German I-Gaming Market
(13 December 2006)
German Politics too Much for Premiere Win
(11 December 2006)
Veikkaus.fi: 10 Years Online
(7 December 2006)
Eye on Europe - Dec. 5, 2006
(5 December 2006)
Turkey: Two-Year Penalty for Internet Gambling
(5 December 2006)
Eye on Europe - Dec. 1, 2006
(1 December 2006)
A Bright Future for Gambling in Spain
(30 November 2006)
Eye on Europe - Nov. 20, 2006
(20 November 2006)
Eye on Europe - Nov. 15, 2006
(15 November 2006)
EU Gambling Study: A Case for Change
(14 November 2006)
Online Gambling in Russia - Part 1
(13 November 2006)
An Internal Competitive Market for Germany
(7 November 2006)
Eye on Europe - Nov. 2, 2006
(2 November 2006)
The Latest Three Infringement Procedures
(2 November 2006)
Positive Developments for Private Operators in the German Jungle Market
(27 October 2006)
Breaking Down the EL Report
(26 October 2006)
Does Ladbrokes Have Good Lawyers?
(25 October 2006)
Eye on Europe - Oct. 18, 2006
(18 October 2006)
Operators: Take the Fast Plane to Italy
(16 October 2006)
Online Gambling Could Be in the Cards for Poland
(5 October 2006)
Eye on Europe - Oct. 4, 2006
(4 October 2006)
Sports Betting in Turkey (Part 1)
(29 September 2006)
More and More Spanish Ventures
(28 September 2006)
US, France and Germany Are No-Go Zones
(28 September 2006)
Eye on Europe - Sept. 22, 2006
(22 September 2006)
bwin Execs Make Bail, Scheduled to Appear in Court Tuesday
(18 September 2006)
Company for Europe's Scrutinized Seven?
(18 September 2006)
Unclear Situation in Hungary
(15 September 2006)
Eye on Europe - Sept. 14, 2006
(14 September 2006)
Veikkaus Interim Results on Par with Projections
(8 September 2006)
Eye on Europe - Sept. 7
(7 September 2006)
An Irish Endeavor for Betfair
(6 September 2006)
Eye on Europe - Sept. 1, 2006
(1 September 2006)
Editorial: Cross-Border Gambling Advertising Is Inevitable
(1 September 2006)
The End of Germany's Gambling Monopolies?
(29 August 2006)
Interesting Developments in Germany
(25 August 2006)
Eye on Europe - Aug. 22, 2006
(22 August 2006)
bwin Reports Mixed Results for First Half of 2006
(21 August 2006)
Eye on Europe - Aug. 15, 2006
(15 August 2006)
Injunction Bars bwin From Operating Under Its German License
(10 August 2006)
Eye on Europe - Aug. 4, 2006
(4 August 2006)
Clash in the Netherlands
(3 August 2006)
Q & A: Francesco Portolano
(1 August 2006)
Eye on Europe - July 25, 2006
(25 July 2006)
France's FDJ Battles to Preserve Its Monopoly
(24 July 2006)
Editorial: The Craziness of this Gambling Industry
(20 July 2006)
Q & A: Martin Arendts
(19 July 2006)
Revamping Belgian Law - Internet Gambling Remains in the Mix
(12 July 2006)
EYE on Europe - July 11, 2006
(11 July 2006)
Standoff in Germany - Authorities Want to Block BetandWin Football Sponsorships
(11 July 2006)
German Judge Operates as Magician for Gambling Industry
(29 June 2006)
Eye on Europe - June 26, 2006
(26 June 2006)
NDS & SKY Italia Launch Interactive TV Betting Platform
(23 June 2006)
German Cartel Warns Lottery Companies
(23 June 2006)
Eye on Europe
(20 June 2006)
M-News Briefs
(13 June 2006)
Eye on Europe - June 12, 2006
(12 June 2006)
Eye on Europe - June 5. 2006
(5 June 2006)
Mobile Gambling - Scaling Back the Estimates
(1 June 2006)
Eye on Europe - May 30, 2006
(30 May 2006)
Insights: Italy's Dueling Verdicts
(30 May 2006)
EGET's Total Gaming Concept
(25 May 2006)
Italy's Gambling Blacklist
(24 May 2006)
Eye on Europe - May 23, 2006
(23 May 2006)
Q & A: Juan Barrachina, AEDAPI
(15 May 2006)
Eye On Europe - May 12, 2006
(12 May 2006)
Challenging Italy's I-Gaming Policy
(10 May 2006)
Casinos de France: 'We're Not Scared'
(8 May 2006)
Austria's Betting Show
(5 May 2006)
Eye on Europe - May 5, 2006
(5 May 2006)
Tall Task: Taking on France's Lottery Monopoly
(2 May 2006)
Groundwork Set for UK National Lottery Bidding
(1 May 2006)
Eye on Europe - April 28, 2006
(28 April 2006)
Big Changes in Store for Turkey
(26 April 2006)
A First Glance at the Swiss Institute Report
(24 April 2006)
Eye on Europe - April 22, 2006
(22 April 2006)
Q & A: Paddy Whur
(21 April 2006)
Editorial: Cracks in EL Bulwark
(20 April 2006)
Landmark EU Gambling Study to Be Released
(17 April 2006)
Eye on Europe - April 14
(14 April 2006)
Preparing for Privatization in Turkey
(13 April 2006)
Q & A: European Betting Association
(12 April 2006)
Eye on Europe - April 5
(5 April 2006)
EC to Scrutinize Gambling Laws of Seven EU States
(5 April 2006)
German Sportsbetting: Back to the Stone Age
(30 March 2006)
Match Fixing: Good Excuse
(28 March 2006)
The Winner: German State Monopolies
(28 March 2006)
Eye on Europe - March 24, 2006
(24 March 2006)
Eye on Europe
(20 March 2006)
Q & A: Wulf Hambach, Hambach & Hambach
(13 March 2006)
Eye on Europe - March 10, 2006
(10 March 2006)
Episodic Privatization of Romania's National Lottery - A Literature Study
(9 March 2006)
A Decisive Verdict for German Sports Betting?
(7 March 2006)
Q & A: Tjeerd Veenstra, De Lotto
(6 March 2006)
Editorial: A Special Set of Rules for Loto-Québec?
(3 March 2006)
Eye on Europe - March 2, 2006
(2 March 2006)
PAF Report: German Speaking Gambling Market
(21 February 2006)
Eye on Europe - Feb. 16, 2006
(16 February 2006)
EU Services Directive Vote - the Winner: European Lotteries
(16 February 2006)
Westlotto 1, BetandWin 0
(13 February 2006)
The Year of I-Bingo
(10 February 2006)
IT Roundup
(10 February 2006)
EU Service Directive - Clash between Parliament and Commission
(8 February 2006)
Spy Games
(7 February 2006)
The New Swedish Model?
(2 February 2006)
All-out Shakeout
(1 February 2006)
Eye on Europe - Jan. 30, 2006
(30 January 2006)
Q & A: Pontus Lindwall, Cherry Group
(18 January 2006)
Gartner: 'Growth of M-Gambling Should Be Accompanied by Responsible Actions'
(18 January 2006)
Eye on Europe - Jan. 13, 2006
(13 January 2006)
Lottomatica/GTECH Deal Creates Lottery Powerhouse
(12 January 2006)
FIFA Warns Betting Operators
(11 January 2006)
World Cup 2006: A $2 Billion Betting Bonanza
(10 January 2006)
Eye on Europe - Jan. 5, 2006
(5 January 2006)
How Women and Men Use the Internet
(4 January 2006)
PAF Ruling a Matter of Interpretation
(21 December 2005)
Gambling Excluded from EU 'Country of Origin' principle?
(29 November 2005)
Don't Expect the German Market to Open up in Time for World Cup '06
(15 November 2005)
Q & A: Michael Winkelmüller
(8 November 2005)
Globalization of OPAP Could Shake Foundation of European Gambling
(1 November 2005)
Get Ready for Punter's Paradise
(28 October 2005)
The EU and Gambling - Part 1
(17 October 2005)
M-Gambling: a Winner?
(14 October 2005)
Dutch Study Cites Need for More Legal Internet Gambling
(12 October 2005)
The Dutch Gambling Landscape - Part 3
(12 October 2005)
The Dutch Landscape for Internet/Telephone Gambling
(4 October 2005)
The Dutch Landscape for Foreign Operators
(3 October 2005)
Betandwin.com League Not a Hit with Portuguese Gaming Interests
(29 August 2005)
NordwestLotto - A Mobile Trifecta
(18 August 2005)
Mobile Gambling - Who Has the Right Numbers?
(11 August 2005)
The New EU Members: Malta
(1 August 2005)
BetandWin Investigation Dropped
(25 July 2005)
Holland Casino Gets Temporary Internet License
(29 June 2005)
German Premiere TV to Launch Betting Channe
(28 June 2005)
A Taxing Situation for BetandWin in Austria
(16 June 2005)
Editorial - Confusion in Malta
(16 May 2005)
Defining OPAP
(3 May 2005)
'Dramatic Developments' on the German Front
(2 May 2005)
German Soccer Organizations Consider Entering Bookmaking Business
(27 April 2005)
It's All About the Speed
(20 April 2005)
Gambling Left out of EU Services Directive
(19 April 2005)
EBA Weighs in on Services Directive
(18 April 2005)
A Final Verdict for PAF?
(13 April 2005)
EL to EC: 'Do Not Deregulate'
(22 March 2005)
Turkey Addresses Illegal Online Gambling
(14 March 2005)
Mobile Gambling - A Future Money Machine
(28 February 2005)
Betandwin Launches Live Betting Product in Austria, Germany Is Next
(21 February 2005)
Sweden's Svenska Spel Goes Internationa
(9 February 2005)
Slovakian Lottery Company Launches Online Wagering Service
(24 January 2005)
Synopsis of the Dutch I-Gaming Market
(30 December 2004)
The Hungarian Front
(22 December 2004)
Eye on the German I-Gaming Market
(16 December 2004)
A Hidden Treasure or Risky Business?
(13 December 2004)
A Taste of In-Running Betting for Finnish Punters
(7 December 2004)
A Double Standard Amid Europe's Cross-Border Gambling War?
(23 November 2004)
European Parliament Holds Public Hearing on Services Directive
(11 November 2004)
Swedish Ruling Favors Gambling Monopolies
(4 November 2004)
Finland Supports Its Gambling Monopoly
(29 October 2004)
Betfair Puts Dutch Ladbrokes Ruling to the Test
(15 October 2004)
The Latest from the Epicenter
(14 October 2004)
Admiration for Norsk Tipping
(12 October 2004)
Deal with US Provider Expands Finnish Lottery's Interactive Gambling Portfolio
(29 September 2004)
Expansion and Turnover Put the Cross-Border Gambling Debate on Hold in Europe
(13 September 2004)
Europe's Gambling Monopolies - Where From Here?
(6 September 2004)
The 'New Era' of P2P
(23 August 2004)
German Lotto and Toto Group Official Supplier of the 2006 FIFA World Cup
(11 August 2004)
Germany's Second Online Casino Opens for Business
(22 July 2004)
Folkspel Not Quite Ready to 'Conquer' in Sweden
(15 July 2004)
Austrian Lottery Initiates SMS Sales
(25 June 2004)
Cherry Increases Stake in Betsson
(22 June 2004)
Developments in Turkey - National Lottery to Privatize, I-Gaming Not Part of the Equation
(14 June 2004)
The New EU Members: Hungary
(4 June 2004)
Dutch Court Rules in Favor of Ladbrokes
(2 June 2004)
Q & A: Tjeerd Veenstra, De Lotto
(1 June 2004)
Pushing the Interactive Button
(30 April 2004)
The Premiere of German Pay TV Betting
(19 April 2004)
Danish Gambling Law Violates EU Legislation?
(8 March 2004)
German Courts Rule in Favor of Cross-Border Betting
(1 March 2004)
Embracing Prepaid Cards
(16 February 2004)
Dutch Court Rules against Betfair
(13 February 2004)
Pan-European Lottery to Launch Friday
(9 February 2004)
Huge Expectations for Mobile Gambling
(3 February 2004)
No New Media Rights Deal yet for attheraces
(26 January 2004)
So, Is the British Invasion on Its Way?
(16 January 2004)
Korean Bank to Sell Lottery Tickets via Mobile Phones
(5 January 2004)
Research Shows I-Gaming Is on the Rise in Holland
(23 December 2003)
EGET's Next Frontier: Estonia
(18 December 2003)
French Racing Monopoly Rolls out Internet Product
(1 December 2003)
European Commission Considers New Online Gambling Initiative
(24 November 2003)
Gambelli Verdict Sparks Mixed Reactions
(6 November 2003)
NSM-Löwen Merger Turns Novomatic into a Giant
(30 October 2003)
Russian State Passes First Lottery Bil
(22 October 2003)
Hamburg's Online Roulette Declared Illega
(21 October 2003)
Selective Expansion Abroad for Greek OPAP
(9 October 2003)
Rehab Starts First Irish Online Lottery
(7 October 2003)
Swiss Federal Court Says No to New Lottery
(16 September 2003)
EU Court Denies Portuguese Anomar
(12 September 2003)
Turnover, Profits Up for Denmark's Gaming Monopoly
(11 September 2003)
Dutch Charitable Gaming Group Launches UK-Based Betting Exchange
(10 September 2003)
Dutch Government Blocks SMS Lottery
(3 September 2003)
betandwin Solidifies Its Presence in Turkey
(21 August 2003)
Another Court Victory for Holland Casino
(4 August 2003)
Ladbrokes Fights to Appeal Dutch Ban
(29 July 2003)
A Profitable Prognostication for William Hil
(9 July 2003)
Romania's First Online Casino
(1 July 2003)
A Victory for Holland's De Lotto over Foreign Operators
(1 July 2003)
Dutch Gaming Monopoly Successful in Court against Online Sports Books
(18 June 2003)
Dutch De Lotto Takes Further Action against I-Gaming Operators
(17 June 2003)
Another Winning Year For Austrian Lotteries
(27 May 2003)
Strong Performance from Ladbrokes Helps Hilton Group
(21 May 2003)
BetandWin Reports Increased Losses
(25 April 2003)
Denmark's New 'Games, Lotteries and Betting Act'
(24 April 2003)
The EU Court of Justice Will Overthrow Dutch Internet Gambling Rulings
(18 March 2003)
Zone4Play Introduces Interactive Gaming in Austria
(25 February 2003)
'SMS' Spells Success for German Lotteries
(7 February 2003)
Turkish National Lottery For Sale
(3 February 2003)
Dutch Court Ruling Could Change Internet Gambling
(28 January 2003)
The Fight Against Lottery 'Scaminals'
(27 January 2003)
Berlin's Internet Cafes Need Gambling Hall Licenses
(15 January 2003)
Lotteries - The 'Fat Ones' Are Coming
(3 January 2003)
Dutch Lotto Launches SMS Sports Betting
(17 December 2002)
Orbis Quietly Enjoys Success
(13 December 2002)
Digital Sports Network Debuts in England
(28 November 2002)
Boss Media's 'Most Important Contract'
(26 November 2002)
Profits for Hilton Lower than Expected
(18 November 2002)
Hamburg Spielbank Comes Under Fire
(9 November 2002)
Yee-Haa!! Who wins?
(1 November 2002)
Casinocity Suspicious About Dutch I-Gaming Report
(22 October 2002)
Hamburg Spielbank Targets Late October for Launch
(10 October 2002)
Understanding Mobile Gambling
(30 September 2002)
Dutch Lotto Launches Internet Sports Betting
(24 September 2002)
Spielbank Hamburg Ready to Flip the Switch
(6 September 2002)
Pre-Olympic Gaming Records
(8 August 2002)
Background on the MMS Venture
(8 August 2002)
Betware Strengthens its Position in Nordic Europe
(18 July 2002)
Boss Delivers Two European I-Casinos
(3 July 2002)
A New Kind of 'Good Causes' Lottery
(31 May 2002)
OECD Working Group Discusses Cross-Border Gambling
(1 May 2002)
Major Setback for Earth Fund Lottery
(30 April 2002)
Change on the Horizon in Alderney
(8 April 2002)
German Online Casino Awaits OK from State Government
(28 February 2002)
Veikkaus Rolls Out New I-Gaming Platform
(26 February 2002)
Dutch Lottery Execs Comment on Alleged E-mail Scams
(31 January 2002)
Not Quite a Walk in the Park
(25 January 2002)
OECD to Examine Internet Gambling Taxation
(25 January 2002)
Slovenia's Loterija Slovenija the First to Use MEP
(24 January 2002)
Alderney: More Licenses than Requests
(3 January 2002)
Lottomatica Calls De Agostini Bid Hostile
(18 December 2001)
Globelot: Everyone Wins
(13 December 2001)
A Happy Lot
(11 December 2001)
Lottomatica Turns down Takeover Bid
(28 November 2001)
Scandinavian Gambling Files: Iceland
(19 November 2001)
Dutch Government to Liberalize Gambling Legislation
(9 November 2001)
PAF Loses Court Case
(6 November 2001)
Dutch Novamedia Well Posted to Become a Global Lottery Player
(25 October 2001)
Scandinavian Gambling Files: Denmark
(12 October 2001)
Novamedia Inks Deal with Canadian Environmental Lottery
(9 October 2001)
Scandinavian Gambling Files: Finland
(6 September 2001)
Scandinavian Gambling Files: Sweden
(8 August 2001)
Scandinavian Gambling Files: Norway
(9 July 2001)
Rob van der Gaast
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Rob van der Gaast