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Horoscope for the Week of March 21, 2004

20 March 2004

Tip of the Week:

Spring is here, again! Equinox festivities everywhere are a tribute to the annual return of longer days, warmer air, and more sunshine and plant growth. Equinox is the time when the hours of day and night are equal. In all the ancient temples of the world that celebrate Spring Equinox, the sunlight is filtering into the inner sacred chamber symbolic of illumination, enlightenment and communion with the Great Spirit as it expresses through the glorious Sun. We are fortunate to live in a place where there are four seasons. Many would happily do away with the winter, yet it is so symbolic of turning inward, surrendering, deepening and building inner strength. We live in a time of abundance, even though there are many with comparatively little considering what some have. This economic imbalance is even true in our tiny communities.

However, just over a century ago and less there was even more poverty and difficulty and despair. There is so much to be grateful for in this time of technological advancement which, at best, endeavors to bring comfort and security to all. Unfortunately, the world has lost touch with its humble and idealistic drive for advancement. Now it seems to be very much about greed, power and control at unprecedented levels. That is why we are wise to turn our hearts and minds back to nature. After all, despite apparent control from technological might it all pales in light of the grandeur, majesty and awesome power of nature.

We truly are like innocent and ignorant little children against the backdrop of nature. While seemingly cruel at times, nature is that which gives life itself, including our own. For these reasons and others like them, celebrating celestial and natural events like Spring Equinox is the least we can do to show our gratitude and reverence for nature. Not simply because we should or that nature needs our reverence, but because it allows us to feel more connected, uplifted, attuned and grateful for the fact that we are nature experiencing itself!

Rejoice with open hearts and be at peace with the knowing that we are nature and nature is us and we are one in the spirit eternally. Happy Spring Everyone!

Aries (Mar 21 Apr. 20)

The New Moon, Sun/Moon union in Aries marking the advent of spring should be enough to ignite your passions. With your sights set on the future and your ambitions running high, you are in the mood to explore a fuller measure of your passions and desires. With so much excitement in the air, just what will you do first? One thing seems certain, you will do a lot over the next couple of months as Mars blasts off in curious and variety oriented Gemini. With fresh new beauty to enjoy and bodies more exposed, you do well to keep your eyes on the road long enough to park, if you drive, then look hard. The past does not equal the future and the time is ripe to initiate new contacts and connections. There may be a few fears to face within it all, but that is no problem as long as you are willing to face them. Yours is the sign of courage and action so live up to that good reputation. Whatever is happening, keep an open mind, let imagination help you to accept things in ways other than you might expect they should be and stay focused yet flexible!

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)

New ambitions are being seeded deep in the chambers of your mind. That means that they are powerful seeds! Yet, it will take time before they are actually ready to be transferred in to the outer material reality. This will require some patience, which you generally have a lot of, yet you are eager to get on with things these days. Like a child, you are eager to explore many new possibilities. You have reason to do that and trust too that those deeper seeds will be ready for more literal planting when the Sun enters your sign in one month time. There are modes of creative self-expression that you might be afraid to admit you desire that are among those deep seeds. Confidence will come easy as you approach new creative opportunities with an attitude of fun rather than competition with others who are already more adept. Besides trying to become the best at any one thing seems a little narrow, at least if the focus comes at the expense of a broader scope of experience. Whether in hobbies or business, go for multiple streams of expression.

Gemini (May 21 Jun 20)

A greater measure of your individuality is beginning to spring forth. Your mind is wide open to the possibilities. In some cases the changes are radical and the extremes are coming from within as well as from without. After all, yours is the sign of the twins! At best, you feel more in tune with life and love. As the wise say, when we are a child we learn to fall in love; when we are mature we become love. This is where one's options become so much greater and yet the desire to have any one of them met at the expense of others diminishes. Balancing your sense of expansiveness with security needs is a part of the plot. This inner challenge will increase as spring progresses. So what do you want and what do you need. Contemplate this question slowly and without reaction. There is nothing pat about the answer; in fact, there are as many as there are Gemini's and there are twice as many of you! True love is the eternal source of security and it is ultimately a divine connection. In other words, the primary relationship that every one of us has is with God-dess! This is true whether one is conscious of it or not. As for human love, get some too.

Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 21)

You are in the mood to reach for the stars and you mean business. That this implies confronting a few fears makes you feel all the more excited. The question is; do you have a plan? The more you can at least have a rough outline of your goals and approach the better. In certain respects, you feel all alone and yet you also feel determined and committed. That this includes looking at some of your own blind spots might be the biggest hurdle. Yet, it need not be if you approach your situation with humour and acceptance. If some of your behaviour patterns are hard to accept, imagine how pleased you and others will be as you see them for what they are and take deliberate action to overcome them; and you will. As long as you are sincere and you follow through diligently you will succeed. The key is not to take it personally. You have your reasons to be the person you are and you have the right to change now, even though you were perhaps not ready to before. Get determined to be the best you can be without pressure to be anything more. After all, you are already loveable.

Leo (Jul 22 - Aug 21)

As though a bell rang to expand when spring arrives you are fully in the mood to do just that. As much as this may imply travel to foreign countries, it also suggests exploring facets of your very own self. After all, consciousness is the final frontier. Meanwhile, worldly ambitions are gaining your attention as well. You have and continue to be eager to gather new skills, tools and other such commodities for trade. You are determined to make some strategic choices and moves that will give you the best advantage to share your wares. This may well include new means of marketing including the internet. Perhaps you are beginning to explore the possibilities of e-commerce or websites etc. There are many network sites you may consider. Acquiring all that you feel you need at this stage of your journey also implies making room for it all. This implies your emotional and psychological space as well as your physical. When dealing with others in business, you do well to read the fine print, especially now. Also, any form of guarantee that you can get like down payments and such is probably a good idea. Buy now however, as it is not such a good idea when Venus is retrograde and she will be in mid May. Until then, get the good word, out there!

Virgo (Aug 22 - Sep 23)

Yours is the sign of hygiene, cleanses, refinement and purification. So spring clean ought to be something of a turn on for you. Rather than focus too much on the outer environment, this is the time to get clean inside out. The colon and the intestines are the part of the body governed by Virgo. So, start with them. In addition, this is a good time to eliminate limiting self-concepts of who you are and what you are capable of doing. In other words, perhaps it is time to entertain some new approaches. This could include your career, and/or your relationships. Are you satisfied with the quality of your offering or your return? If not, what can you do about it other than complain, as is a common choice. Why not exercise some new modes of expression or learn some new techniques from others, or both? Cultural exchanges and group processes are highlighted in your stars now. Let the quest for a more satisfying participation be joyful and creative rather than making out to be a problem. It is all about perspective. Is it time to change one or two or so of yours? Perhaps, others close by have something to share with you that are obvious. In any case, intend to make some sincere efforts to cleanse or to make a clean break from the same old, same old.

Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 21)

Some new action on relationship fronts is just beginning to sprout. This probably includes your love life as well as business. Financial dealings and securities of all kinds are up for you now. Legal action of some kind is also a likely possibility. In as much as you are stubbornly pushing your position with disregard for the rights of others then you are probably in some kind of stalemate. What is the value of being right when it does not lead to being happy? The answer is usually pride, which is the mask of fear. It takes strength, courage and wisdom to be vulnerable. Whatever is going on, do what you can to get in touch with your heart and that of others because it will tell you the truth. It is the tricky, manipulative mind that is so full of vice and lies and all because it is shortsighted and afraid. Justice and fairness and balance are all ideals that certainly do have their place. Are you sure that your position reflects these ideal qualities? We all want to win, yet life includes losing a real winners recognize that both are a part of the game. If you are in the wrong, show some real character and see it. If you have looked deeply into your heart and feel that your position is just, deal with your counterparts with a sincere desire to strike a win/win deal. Peace!

Scorpio (Oct 22 - Nov 20)

Like your Virgo friends, the time has come to take the lead in clearing away the old to make way for the new. This includes cleanses of all kinds. Learning to reach out to be more cooperative is in there. You are meant to be building upon new foundations. The quality of your connections is the foundation for the realization of dreams that will become more obvious to you next year. Meanwhile, take some independent initiative to activate a smoother flow. This includes exercising your imagination to see how you can merge your skills, talents, time and resources with those of others. This implies a learning process. In some respects, what you are to learn might seem a little scary. If so, keep your mind focused in the moment and approach the process without too mush thought. The more you can simply be present with what is and not let your mind convince you of seeing things negatively the better. Ironically, it takes wisdom and maturity to be innocent and willing. See the big picture yet be focused in the now. This includes activating and enjoying the process of purifying you body, mind and soul and being fit and ready for the opportunities that are coming to you.

Sagittarius (Nov 21 - Dec 20)

A brand new wave of creative leadership is washing in on your shores. In Sagittarian fashion, it is probably a great big wave! It seems to imply that it will require some diligent effort on your part. Further, you will have to make sincere efforts to have both feet firmly on the ground. In other words, practical considerations are part of the plot. This is a call to believe in yourself fully, perhaps especially in regard to your abilities in the market place. That you may need to eliminate certain habitual perspectives is likely. This stands to become even more evident over the next week or two. This may cause some strife with others so you do well to keep an open mind and avoid reactive behaviour. The more willing you can be to create new approaches and to see your position in new ways the better. Avoid rationalism and debate and simply take action on whatever is in need of your attention. Meanwhile, brainstorm for opportunities whether for making money or for creating harmony. These are hallmarks of true leadership.

Capricorn (Dec 21 - Jan 19)

Spring is a time to get down to basics. This includes re-connection with the, or one's own roots. In some respects, this includes play and creativity. In other regards, it includes connection with the source. In others still, it is about recognizing that sometimes we have to literally fight for what is true and real. In any case, intelligent effort with a sharp focus is required by you now. Meanwhile, the sparks of new love are beginning to fuel your commitments. Time to think before you act is ideal, but a luxury that you may not have in great supply now. You are ambitious and determined to forge ahead with new projects. You are seeing yourself and others and life with radically new perspectives, in certain respects. You are ready to expand to the next level, or even two or three! Your confidence in this regard will grow as spring progresses. You have good reason to act with faith now. The more you can get done before May the better. The Sun will be warmer then and you will have more time to enjoy it. Carpe diem!

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 19)

You are as excited as a child on route to the carnival. With the advent of spring, suddenly like magic there are numerous new ideas and possibilities for you to entertain. All being well, you have been diligent in making key shifts and renovations close to home to prepare you for this time. If not, do what you can now. Some real fun is about to begin and you will want to participate fully. Your biggest decisions will include which event to attend or are you also a performer. With your imagination so ignited, if you are not already on the stage, you may be soon. Then again, the entire world is a stage and we the actors. This is a good time to brainstorm for new approaches and possibilities. With Mercury turning retrograde on April 6th, now is the time to make your plans and your bookings. Perhaps you will do better if you choose to work with others somehow. Neptune in your sign may hinder your ability think in clear, practical terms. Besides, people respect those who delegate. So, where were we… oh yes, the carnival!

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)

A revolutionary mood continues to spur you on. It may be a good idea to pace your self as the momentum will continue for the next seven years or so! Your ambitions continue to soar and this is a good time to plan and forge ahead with new possibilities. Your task includes bringing your depth, power and wisdom down to earth so that others can benefit. This implies new business approaches. If you need to register a new business now is the time and I mean immediately! The planetary energies are largely in your favor, as far as starting now goes. Perhaps you need to take action with awareness that you need to take the first steps and, in time, you can take your idea, efforts, or business to higher levels. The journey always begins with the first step and the only failure is not taking that step. Do it for love, do it for money, do it for God, whatever you do, just do it! Your momentum will grow and you will be able to fully break through to levels of awareness, achievement and fulfillment that you as you can only dream. Get radical!

Michael O'Connor
Michael O’Connor is a professional Astrologer living in British Columbia. He has studied Astrology and associated subjects as they relate to the human potential movement for over 20 years and has been practicing since 1991.

His focus is on a cross-cultural view of Astrology, Numerology, Tarot, Cabbalah, I Ching, Yoga and a unique system of the psychology of ‘Birth Order Sequences’. His perspective includes Chinese, East Indian, Mayan, and European and North American cultures.

Combining the spiritual, religious, mythological and historical backgrounds of these cultures into a rich synthesis of understanding, Michael’s scope and insight proves very healing, directional and inspiring to his broad base of satisfied clients.

Michael O'Connor Websites:
Michael O'Connor
Michael O’Connor is a professional Astrologer living in British Columbia. He has studied Astrology and associated subjects as they relate to the human potential movement for over 20 years and has been practicing since 1991.

His focus is on a cross-cultural view of Astrology, Numerology, Tarot, Cabbalah, I Ching, Yoga and a unique system of the psychology of ‘Birth Order Sequences’. His perspective includes Chinese, East Indian, Mayan, and European and North American cultures.

Combining the spiritual, religious, mythological and historical backgrounds of these cultures into a rich synthesis of understanding, Michael’s scope and insight proves very healing, directional and inspiring to his broad base of satisfied clients.

Michael O'Connor Websites: