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Horoscope for the Week of February 29, 2004

28 February 2004

Tip of the Week:

Many Astrologers associate Astrology with the Zodiac signs Aquarius and Pisces. Aquarius is metaphysical and Pisces is mystical. The ruling planets for these signs are Uranus and Neptune. Currently these planets are in what is technically a "Mutual Reception" with Uranus in Pisces, the sign that rules Neptune and Neptune in Aquarius, the sign that rules Uranus.

This creates a natural and harmonious flow of exchange of energies between the two planets. Aquarius and can be credited with the re-emergence and growing popularity of Astrology. When Uranus and Neptune were in exact conjunction (alignment) in the sign of Capricorn in 1993 the Internet as a public and global utility began.

The breakthroughs of Quantum physicists over the past eighty years or so continue to build a new scientific paradigm that supports the premise of Astrology and other such disciplines. Many continue to express skepticism and even cynicism about the validity of Astrology, yet no one can disprove it and anyone who has had a quality experience with Astrology will attest to its validity and power.

To this day, it remains as one of the most powerful tools in the world to diagnose the possibility of illness as well as the root cause. Some claim that it is unscientific, as though science does and should have the final word in deciphering truth. Because Astrology is holistic, it approaches health from wholes to parts rather than the other way around. The latter approach is the classic stumbling block of science.

In other words, an Astrology chart can trace the links between mental, emotional, physical and spiritual yes-spiritual - aspects of the human psyche and anatomy. This is popularly referred to as the body/mind. The parts-to-whole-approach is the single major obstacle of the mechanistic and materialistic world-view that is currently growing. Aquarius and Pisces symbolize the whole and its infinite web of parts that paradoxically and mystically comprise an infinite expression of wholes within wholes.

Aries (Mar 21 Apr. 20)

As though awake in a dream, life seems a little surreal to you these days. You may want to sleep more, or escape or at least move a little slower. Issues with siblings and neighbors may give you that much more reason to hide. Having less to do on your social agenda may also be a good idea. Learning to simply be may be the answer. Deciphering just who you are, what you want and where you belong in the world are questions floating in your mind. All the while, you are feeling quite ambitious. Expect this trend to grow. Affirm that the past does not equal the future and let the dream unfold.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)

Your imagination is soaring these days. That may be a good thing and perhaps not. An overactive imagination can cause trouble. However, imagination is one of our most powerful tools, if we can make wise use of it. This includes envisioning positive possibilities and opportunities. This is a good time to align your skills and efforts with those of others. However, maintaining a strong sense of independence remains important. Establishing a new mode of expression and power in the world is part of the plot. Take an experimental approach and explore a fuller scope of your individuality.

Gemini (May 21 Jun 20)

You are awakening to some realities and possibilities in your public and professional life. Change is brewing on a variety of fronts. In some respects, it may all seem overwhelming. Trust that whatever is happening is a part of the plan for you. Security verses expansiveness is an area that may require some attention. The temptation to look back to happier moments in the past may be strong and this trend will continue well into the spring. Can you be grateful for those experiences and yet realistically focused on the here-and-now moving towards a bright future? This is where choice and strength of character are your best assets. Express gratitude for all that was and especially for all that is!

Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 21)

Deep feelings of community and connection are filling your being. Rare glimpses of the big picture are filling your heart mind with expansive knowing. This is helping you to see yourself, the world, and your place in the world more clearly. Meanwhile, an ambitious, pioneering and revolutionary mode of approach feels like the right thing to do. Gathering new tools and taking new initiatives in your career is likely as well. Be aware of any tendencies to worry and redirect that otherwise wasted energy into action. Your willingness to work creatively and cooperatively with others is ideal now. Be open to guidance from others and especially from your own higher mind.

Leo (Jul 22 - Aug 21)

In one fashion or another you are in the mood to purge and eliminate. This may include things, attitudes, weight, and toxicity etcetera. The goal is to create a more streamlined, efficient and practical approach. Coaching others and getting good coaching is likely. In order to acquire what you want and need, you may first have to eliminate what is in the way. Cleaning closets and shedding skins are the implied clichés. Before cutting people out of your life, you do well to take a good look at your own approach, record of accomplishment and contribution. If you are unclear about your overall performance, ask the ones you have been associated with for a clear and honest bit of feedback. Exercise constructive criticism to clear away the old to make way for the new!

Virgo (Aug 22 - Sep 23)

Changes on relationship fronts continue. Somehow, your participation is different than it was even a few months ago. You may seem stronger and wiser than ever, or just the opposite. You are more ambitious and perhaps competitive than before. You are unwilling to settle for less than you feel you deserve and/or can achieve. The accent is upon individuality. This is where potential disruptions in your relationships find their source. You want to be free to be and do according to a more liberal set of rules. Getting closer to nature - your own and that without - figures prominently. This may well include spiritual aspirations. Share your dreams and visions with your intimates and aim for more mutual appreciation of each other's individuality.

Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 21)

Changing your lifestyle and adjusting to your current health requirements remain on the top of the priority list. Inherited patterns of perception, value and behaviour are in need of review. Your ability to be fully in the present and break free of how things were at home when you were growing up is ideal. There is more knowledge and guidance available regarding the art and process of creating a healthy lifestyle. Good intentions do not imply good methods. Exploring who you are now and what you want out of life figures prominently. You either feel very responsible about your life now or are experiencing pressures to do so. Whatever accolades or defeats you may have experienced in the past, remember that the point of power is in the moment, here and now. Good health in all respects is the key to success and fulfillment.

Scorpio (Oct 22 - Nov 20)

A creative and imaginative mood continues to carry you to great heights and/or swoop to great lows. Reaching out or delving within to decipher the quality of your offering in relationships, whether personal or professional, is a central theme. The desire for security vies with a growing urge to expand and explore new horizons. You want to create your world with more colors, textures and images that reveal your core truths and values. However, deciphering exactly what and where home actually is for you now is another question. Such a soul-searching journey can be confusing, at least. Geography aside, you are meant to learn that home is in your heart, so start there and explore. If you do so, you will discover that your own heart centre is the doorway to a dimension bigger and greater than the entire outer universe, say the enlightened masters. This is the direction to take to soar.

Sagittarius (Nov 21 - Dec 20)

Making the dream a reality can be a full time job. You are a mystic and a journeyer at heart and the urge to explore those aspects of yourself is growing. Moves, shifts and changes close to home are helping you to feel your feet on the ground in new ways. In this regard, role modeling the successes of others may be necessary to experience your own. A crystallized sense of individuality is under renovation. Fortunately, you are willing to do what is necessary to achieve this outcome. Whether the pressure is coming from within or without you can feel it pushing you to experience yourself and life in new ways. However, wanting to express an honorable image to the world, while maintaining complete freedom of thought and action, can create quite a paradox for others to handle. Is there room to yield to outer reality to make the dream work?

Capricorn (Dec 21 - Jan 19)

So, how are you enjoying the magical mystery tour thus far? Ever since Uranus entered Aquarius in March 2003 then again at the very beginning of this year you are learning to see the world in a whole new way. You can expect this journey to last for a while, like the rest of the decade, so get used to it. This is not to say that everything in your life will continue as it is, this is just one cycle and layer of many. An acceleration of global values is also implied. Your ambitions in business are also growing as you become aware of the many new opportunities that technology and global trade have to offer. Making productive use of your resources includes innovation and invention. Creating harmony and flow on relationship fronts might be where the greatest efforts need to go. Affirm that there is always another way to see and do.

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 19)

Exploring and expanding your scope of talents and resources continues. In order to make your dream reality you simply have to live it. That may be easier to say than to do when you feel that you, or perhaps everyone else, are from another planet. Fortunately, your scope of awareness and clarity of vision is very strong. However, the world should be is an indication of what you need to be doing. Let your ideals become your ethics in motion. There is a fuzzy line between the fact that life is pre-determined and that we create our own reality. This is a good example of paradox an Aquarian word. Fulfillment will likely come only in as much as your vision is oriented to a higher purpose. Some, like an Astrologer, might say this means fulfilling your true destiny, which is divinely appointed. Reach within to reveal your special gifts.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)

You are in a pioneering mood once again! You are determined to break free of habitual patterns. This implies some sort of sanctuary. A private and peaceful place to live and home environment is part of the deal. However, so amount of outer stillness can replace a peaceful heart. This comes from inner work that teaches you to trust in divine purpose and order regardless of outer circumstances. Clear intention backed by skill and discipline is therefore necessary for success. To this end, making key connections with others who can assist you is a good idea. This means knowing what you want and need and asking for it. Intend to see others as they see you towards self-improvement; yet avoid the trap of trying to please others all the time. Take a practical approach and be willing to express yourself in new ways by entering new territory.

Michael O'Connor
Michael O’Connor is a professional Astrologer living in British Columbia. He has studied Astrology and associated subjects as they relate to the human potential movement for over 20 years and has been practicing since 1991.

His focus is on a cross-cultural view of Astrology, Numerology, Tarot, Cabbalah, I Ching, Yoga and a unique system of the psychology of ‘Birth Order Sequences’. His perspective includes Chinese, East Indian, Mayan, and European and North American cultures.

Combining the spiritual, religious, mythological and historical backgrounds of these cultures into a rich synthesis of understanding, Michael’s scope and insight proves very healing, directional and inspiring to his broad base of satisfied clients.

Michael O'Connor Websites:
Michael O'Connor
Michael O’Connor is a professional Astrologer living in British Columbia. He has studied Astrology and associated subjects as they relate to the human potential movement for over 20 years and has been practicing since 1991.

His focus is on a cross-cultural view of Astrology, Numerology, Tarot, Cabbalah, I Ching, Yoga and a unique system of the psychology of ‘Birth Order Sequences’. His perspective includes Chinese, East Indian, Mayan, and European and North American cultures.

Combining the spiritual, religious, mythological and historical backgrounds of these cultures into a rich synthesis of understanding, Michael’s scope and insight proves very healing, directional and inspiring to his broad base of satisfied clients.

Michael O'Connor Websites: