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Tony Batt Archives
Tony Batt Archives
Poker groups split on bill
(6 August 2008)
Online bet battle will continue
(14 July 2008)
Internet gambling ban architect frustrated with regulation delays
(30 April 2008)
Stop work on enforcing Web gambling ban, lawmakers urge
(23 April 2008)
Indian-gaming regulator fights tribe consultation bill
(18 April 2008)
Exec doesn't expect online ban to be lifted soon
(15 April 2008)
Official moves to block bet regulations
(14 April 2008)
Bet ban stymies federal officials
(3 April 2008)
High Court denies Venetian's appeal
(19 March 2008)
Bill cites 43 billion reasons internet gambling
(6 March 2008)
American Gaming Association boss paid $2 million in '06
(20 February 2008)
Will McCain's gambling stance scare voters?
(12 February 2008)
Players state case for lifting poker ban
(26 October 2007)
Gambling issues: Rise of slot machines decried
(15 October 2007)
Study's value questioned
(3 October 2007)
Gaming losses ally
(27 September 2007)
Frank: Bet bill stalled
(13 September 2007)
Tribes line up against tighter casino regulation
(29 June 2007)
ONLINE WAGERING: Web bet ban repeal supported
(8 June 2007)
Berkley offers bill on study of Web wagers
(4 May 2007)
Frank pushing for regulation of Web betting
(27 April 2007)
Frank says online ban resistance growing
(19 April 2007)
Nevada lawmakers to push for online betting study
(16 March 2007)
Senate panel again confirms official to oversee Indian affairs
(2 February 2007)
Rules for online gambling tightened
(16 October 2006)
Lawyer: Net Betting Ban Violates WTO Ruling
(5 October 2006)
Defense Bill Dispute May Stall Internet Gambling Proposal
(27 September 2006)
Reid Against Frist's Efforts
(20 September 2006)
Backdoor Move to Ban Web Gambling Fizzles
(19 September 2006)
Bill to Limit Tribal Gaming Fails
(14 September 2006)
Chances Seem Slim for Passing Net Betting Ban
(28 August 2006)
Congressman: Tribes Should be Exempted from Labor Act
(21 July 2006)
Panel Passes Bet Ban Pitches
(26 May 2006)
Indian Gambling Officials Urge Regulation by Compacts
(12 May 2006)
Lobby Group Calls for Online Gambling Study
(28 April 2006)
Anti-Gambling Foe Defends Proposal
(6 April 2006)
Off-Reservation Gambling Stirs Up Dispute
(16 March 2006)
Bill Would Block Checks, Credit Cards For Payments
(16 March 2006)
Gambling Foes Plan Legislative Move
(8 March 2006)
Lobbyist's Pay Tops $1 Million
(16 February 2006)
Bill Troubles Casino Lobbyists
(10 November 2005)
Venetian Wins Legal Feud with Web Site
(8 August 2005)
Senator Seeking Change to Indian Gaming Act
(29 June 2005)
Feds Want Stiffer Tribal Gaming Regulations
(29 April 2005)
Indian Gaming: Casino Tribes Took in $18.5 Billion
(16 February 2005)
Congress Unlikely to Act on Internet Gambling
(27 October 2004)
Exec Pushing Internet Gaming
(17 September 2004)
Increase for California Gambling Machines Approved
(15 July 2004)
Congressman: Tribes Shouldn't Purchase Land to Build Casinos
(14 July 2004)
Casinos May Stand to Gain in Cyberspace
(21 June 2004)
Interior Department Won't Support Federal Recognition Bill
(22 April 2004)
Moratorium Suggested for Federal Recognition
(2 April 2004)
Online Gambling Back in Forefront
(2 April 2004)
McCain Could Lead Gambling Panel
(5 March 2004)
Senator Won't Push Sports Betting Bill
(4 March 2004)
U.S. Supreme Court: Tribal Gaming Boosted by Ruling
(2 March 2004)
Gambling Lobbyist Earns More than $1 Million Annually
(1 March 2004)
Betting Ban Not Discussed at College Sports Meeting
(3 February 2004)
Democrat Doubtful Internet Gambling Bill will Pass
(24 October 2003)
Grand Casinos Founder Nominated for Indian Affairs Post
(23 October 2003)
Senator Kyl Expects Gambling Legislation to Pass
(26 September 2003)
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