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WTO deadline extended

25 October 2007

The deadline to negotiate compensation claims over the U.S. decision to remove online gaming from its schedule of trade commitments has been extended from Oct. 22 to Dec. 14. Groups that have filed for damages include The European Union, Japan, India, Canada, Australia, Costa Rica, Macao and Antigua and Barbuda.

The U.S. decided to withdraw online gambling from its trade commitments after it lost a WTO case to Antigua and Barbuda. Antigua is seeking $3.4 billion in compensation. The other nations are expected to be seeking greater access to previously restricted markets rather than money.

WTO deadline extended is republished from
Vin Narayanan

Vin Narayanan is the former managing editor at Casino City and has been involved in the gaming industry for over a decade Vin is currently based in Hong Kong, where he runs his own consultant group and works as head of gaming and public relations for Mega Digital
Entertainment Group.

Before joining Casino City, Vin covered (not all at the same time) sports, politics and elections, wars, technology, celebrities and the Census for, USA WEEKEND and CNN.

Vin Narayanan
Vin Narayanan is the former managing editor at Casino City and has been involved in the gaming industry for over a decade Vin is currently based in Hong Kong, where he runs his own consultant group and works as head of gaming and public relations for Mega Digital
Entertainment Group.

Before joining Casino City, Vin covered (not all at the same time) sports, politics and elections, wars, technology, celebrities and the Census for, USA WEEKEND and CNN.