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A Tip on Sticking to a Win Goal

6 August 2004
Despite the proliferation of casinos throughout the U.S., a majority of players -- and I'll wager it is a hefty majority -- still have to spend a significant amount of travel time to play. Hence, whether or not they consciously admit it, most players' primary objective is to make the trip worth the effort. ... (read more)

Where Has All My Money Gone? (Long Time Passing.)

7 September 2003
Even knowledgeable and experienced players have had occasion to sing variations of the Pete Seeger song suggested by this article's title. The sights, the sounds, the beverages, and according to some reports, even the air in a casino are designed to make time and money fade from consciousness. There are no ... (read more)

Have You Made a Friend at the Craps Table Today?

14 April 2003
Craps, with its multitude of different bets that resolve at different times, is the most complicated game in the casino to learn, both to play and to deal. To my knowledge, craps is also the only game in the casino where the players cannot set up every bet available to them (i.e., they must give some wagers to a dealer to set up for them). ... (read more)

The Midnight Skulker Reviews

19 January 2003
One of the nice things about reviewing a textbook (as opposed to a work of fiction) is that I do not have to worry about revealing too much of the plot, thereby ruining the story for other readers. This review will therefore consist of five mini-reviews, one for each major ... (read more)

Readers Write

5 September 2002
I think one of the things that makes money management in a casino so difficult for even the experienced gambler is the uncertain relationship between playing time and bankroll. When making other purchases one typically has a good idea of what one is going to get in return. What one will get from a casino ... (read more)

Confessions of a Beginning Craps Player

14 August 2001
Inspired by John Grochowski's recent article "Confessions of a Beginning Roulette Player," I am attempting to redeem myself for a gaffe of proportions similar to his, executed during my second time ever playing casino craps. The year was 1968. My parents were taking a vacation, beginning by spending a few days at the Tropicana in Las Vegas. ... (read more)

To Continue, or Not to Continue: That Is the Question

27 April 2001
The mathematics of the game of craps is based on two assumptions: The rolls are independent. The results of rolls are uniformly distributed across the 36 possible combinations of two six-sided dice (a distribution I call "The ... (read more)

What Am I Doin' Here?

28 December 2000
A few years ago I was eking out a living on the Don'ts at a $1 craps table that was taking no prisoners. Periodically a middle-aged woman would come to the table, make a few Pass Line bets, lose about $10, and leave. Halfway through her fourth or fifth visit she noted that I was holding my own. She held ... (read more)

A Probable Misunderstanding

20 August 2000
A recent discussion on the Usenet craps newsgroup focused on a statement by Alan Krigman, respected author of many essays on gambling, and publisher of the newsletter Winning Ways. Mr. Krigman said that the probability of losing three consecutive lay bets against 4 is 3.7%. Another participant of the newsgroup posted that this was the Holy Grail all gamblers sought. ... (read more)

Eddie's Hardway Parlay Method

19 June 2000
A little less than a year ago, Eddie Gorniak of Chicago, Illinois, joined the rec.gambling.craps Usenet newsgroup. Shortly afterwards he posted his method for betting hardways. He is now arguably the most popular member of that newsgroup and, in my opinion, his method contributed in no small way to his popularity. ... (read more)

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The Midnight Skulker
The Midnight Skulker has been playing craps for over three decades and has played almost everywhere in the country. He is a computer expert and a frequent contributor to Internet newgroups, where his opinions and observations have earned him much respect.
The Midnight Skulker
The Midnight Skulker has been playing craps for over three decades and has played almost everywhere in the country. He is a computer expert and a frequent contributor to Internet newgroups, where his opinions and observations have earned him much respect.