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Treasure Island changes reopening date, unveils new health and safety policies

13 May 2020

UPDATE - 21 May 2020: Treasure Island is now accepting reservations for arrivals beginning 26 May (subject to change).

Treasure Island, the Las Vegas Strip property that, along with sister property Circus Circus Hotel Casino - Las Vegas previously hoped to reopen on 15 May, now says it is targeting a reopening date of 22 May.

Circus Circus, which is also privately owned by Phil Ruffin, said on its website that it is "accepting reservations for arrivals beginning June 1, 2020 (subject to change)."

As for Treasure Island, in addition to changing its anticipated opening date, it also announced a number of new safety policies:

"TI Hotel and Casino is dedicated first and foremost to the health and safety of our guests and employees. This page will serve to address Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), and will be updated continuously.

By order of the Nevada Governor's office, Treasure Island has temporarily ceased all gaming and hotel operations. The closure is currently scheduled thru May 21, 2020, subject to change.

Treasure Island - TI will work with all guests who wish to change or cancel their reservations, and provide full refunds to those with arrival dates during the closure. Guests should contact their original booking source if they need to discuss changes to reservations.

We are currently accepting reservations for arrivals beginning May 22, 2020 (subject to change). Please visit our Deals and Offers page for more details.

We will be monitoring the ongoing situation and follow the advice of federal, state and local government and health agencies. For updated information, please bookmark this page.

We sincerely look forward to serving you again in the future, and thank you for choosing TI."

Treasure Island Hotel & Casino (TI) is focused on the health and safety of our guests and employees. We are closely monitoring government policy changes, Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines, federal, state and local government mandates, any other public health advancements, and will continue to make changes as necessary or appropriate to our protocols and procedures.

TI uses cleaning products and protocols that meet all CDC, Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines, which are approved for use and effective against viruses, bacteria and other airborne and blood borne pathogens. TI continues to work with our vendors, distribution partners and suppliers to ensure an uninterrupted supply of these cleaning supplies and necessary personal protective equipment (PPE). This document is subject to change, and will be updated as guidance from the afrorementioned agencies evolve.


Social Distancing: Guests are advised to practice physical social distancing by standing at least six (6) feet away from other groups of people while standing in all public areas, and limiting elevator occupancy to four (4) people. In the event guest issues may arise, TI Security will be contacted to immediately advise guests of the property’s social distancing rules. In addition, plexiglass shields are placed in locations in which frequent face-to-face interactions may take place such as the front desk, cashier stations, etc.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Single-use masks will be available at the front desk and at other various locations on property for guest use.

Confirmed Room Sanitization: TI housekeeping ensures thorough cleaning of all rooms and suites on a daily basis. To ensure all guests are confident their accommodations have been properly sanitized, a sign will be placed in the room or on the door to confirm all cleaning protocols have been completed.

Hand Washing: All public TI restrooms are equipped with touch free faucets, soap dispensers, paper towel dispensers and hand blowers. TI encourages guests to follow the hand washing recommendations from the CDC and SNHD by thoroughly washing hands for a minimum of twenty (20) seconds with soap and warm water.

Hand Sanitizers: Touch-free hand sanitizer dispenser stations are positioned in high-traffick locations including but not limtied to restaurants, casino floor, front desk, elevator lobbies, pool entrances and theatre entrance. In addition, personal hand sanitizers are available to guests in various locations on property.

Touchless Environment: TI has made efforts to remove as many touch points as possible including, but not limited to, designated entry / exit door with automated opening devices and/or door attendants, replacing frequently used room amenities with one-time use items, offering alternative payment methods, and other efforts to limit contact points.

Property Signage: Communications are posted around property to remind guests on how to maintain proper hygiene, including instructions on handwashing, how to avoid touching your face, how to cover coughs and sneezes, how to properly wear and dispose of PPE, and social distancing policies. In addition, floor decals will advise guests where to queue in accordance with social distancing standards.


Security Temperature Screenings: To help provide safety measures for both employees and guests, TI Security will implement a non-invasive temperature scan of all employees prior to their shifts in designated employee entrance areas where employees will be required to maintain and practice social distancing policies. In the event an employee shows a temperature equal to or greater than 100.4 degrees, they will be denied access onto the property and will be required to stay home until they are able to return to work pursuant to then-current CDC guidelines. TI Security will then contact and notify the employee’s management of the occurrence. Based on SNHD guidelines, all employees who are flagged for a fever will be recorded in a database that will be maintained by TI Security to assist local health authorities with aggregate data sharing and contact tracing.

Handwashing and Hand Sanitizers: TI employees will be instructed to wash and/or santize their hands based on CDC guidelines every sixty (60) minutes and/or when using the restroom, sneezing, touching their face, blowing their nose, handling luggage, smoking, eating, drinking, entering or leaving the property, as well as going on break and before or after starting a shift. Hand sanitizer dispensers are placed at employee entrances as well as at various time clock locations.

Stay At Home If Sick: TI employees are required to stay at home if they do not feel well, and are instructed to contact a manager if they notice a coworker or guest with a cough, shortness of breath, or other known symptoms of COVID-19. TI employees who have symptoms of COVID-19 should not come back to work until permitted under CDC guidelines.

Social Distancing Policy: TI employees are to practice social distancing by standing or sitting a least six (6) feet away from other employees and guests, including within the employee dining room, uniform control, kitchens, at the employee services window, within employee’s respective departments and other high-density areas in order to ensure appropriate social distancing between employees and guests.

Expanded Training: All TI employees will be trained about COVID-19 and prevention through literature released by the CDC and SNHD. Additional training will be provided for TI employees with frequent guest contact.

Personal Protection: TI employees need to avoid touching their face, including eyes, nose, and mouth as well as covering cough or sneeze with a tissue and properly disposing the tissue.

Employee Signage: Communication signage, both digital and printed, will be posted on property to remind employees on how to maintain property hygiene, including instructions on proper handwashing, how to avoid touching your face, how to cover coughs and sneezes, how to property wear and dispose of PPE, and how to identity a co-worker or guest exhibiting signs of symptoms associated with COVID-19.

Personal Protective Equipment: Every TI employee will be provided and required to wear a face mask at all times while on property. Some employees will receive additional PPE based on their positions, such as housekeeping, EVS, food and beverage employees, and front desk. In addition, TI employees will be properly trained on how to use and dispose of any required PPE specific to their job responsibilities.

Cleaning Procedures and Protocols: The frequency of the cleaning and sanitizing has increased in high-traffic areas with an emphasis on, but not limited to, slot machines and chairs, gaming tables and chairs, elevator buttons and panels, Front Desk counters, Player's Club booth and kiosks, door handles, ATMs, redemption terminals, escalator handrails, the employee dining rooms, kitchens, loading docks, employee entrances, employee restrooms, offices, hallways, employee services windows and training areas. In addition, special cleaning attention has been made to guest rooms and suites, including high touch areas such as TV remote controls, door and furniture handles and knobs, toilet seats and handles, water faucet handles, nightstands, telephones, alarms clocks, light switches, thermostats and flooring. Any shared supplies or equipment wil be sanitized before, during and after each shift or anytime the supplies or equipment is used by another employee."

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