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Toronto Cops in Gambling Scandal20 April 2004TORONTO, Ontario – As reported by the Toronto Star: "After sitting down to gamble with mobsters in Woodbridge, several Toronto police officers found themselves 'owing large' and turned to crime to pay back their debts, the Star has been told. …"Former street cop Rick McIntosh, who stepped down temporarily as president of the Toronto Police Association on Sunday, is among those being investigated, sources say. "...Constable Bill McCormack Jr., the son of former police chief Bill McCormack, was suspended from his post last week amid rumours about the internal affairs probe, which came to light Friday. "At first, the allegations involved illicit sex with transvestite prostitutes and officers caught in illegal gambling dens, thought to be in downtown Toronto. "But the heart of the investigation, a source said yesterday, lies north of Toronto in the Woodbridge area of Vaughan, where it's alleged at least three Toronto officers gambled with organized crime figures. "The officers carried out alleged 'money extractions' from clubs and restaurants in Toronto's downtown theatre district. "The alleged reason: to pay off huge debts in Woodbridge, Casino Rama and possibly at other legal gambling venues, the source said. "Other sources indicated that investigators believe smaller bars and restaurants in Chinatown may also have been 'taxed' by crooked officers to pay their gambling debts. "…According to two sources, the alleged involvement of Toronto officers in illegal gambling is minor compared with what the Mounties are really chasing — top mob bosses controlling the gambling trade and other rackets in Ontario and elsewhere…" |