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South African Lottery Created Hundreds of Millionaires27 September 2004CAPE TOWN, South Africa – As reported by the South Africa Business Day: "The National Lottery has created 373 millionaires since its launch in 2000, National Lotteries Board figures show. "Get-rich-quick hopefuls have spent billions of rand over the four-year period to end March 2004, with R4bn spent on lottery tickets in the past financial year . "But civic and religious bodies have raised concerns about the lottery creating a new breed of gamblers who are willing to spend household funds on tickets, and they successfully intervened last year to halt attempts to start a daily lottery draw. "…On average, 4,1-million South Africans buy Lotto tickets each week, with the highest level of sales in one draw amounting to R67m and the highest weekly sales totalling R101m . "…The annual report noted that there were 49 attempts to defraud the lottery during the year, with six people convicted so far. "…The report noted that last year South African horse racing and betting recovered some of the ground previously lost to casinos and the lottery..." |