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Ohio Casino Nights Targeted

22 October 2004

CLEVELAND, Ohio -- As reported by the Cleveland NewsNet 5": "Celebrity poker matches are popular on TV, and it seems like games of chance are everywhere. But the Ohio attorney general and the city of Cleveland said residents should be careful before putting their money down.

"Attorney General Jim Petro said some groups are going too far and stepping over the line of what is considered legal gambling.

"...Petro's office has fielded an increasing number of calls from across the state regarding poker games and other casino nights.

"...In order for a group to conduct gaming operations, it must meet certain requirements. The organization must be 501(c)(3) tax exempt. The charity must have conducted its activities in Ohio for at least two years. And the charity may not sell, lease or transfer its right to conduct the games of chance, meaning, 'you have to do it with volunteers, and you get to keep all the money,' Petro said.

"The rule of thumb: A person can play or host games and even win money, but if a person is not a charity, he or she cannot sponsor a game and make a profit. The games are also illegal in places of business, such as bars and hotels..."

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