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Minnesota Gambling Talks Heat Up

17 February 2004

ST. PAUL, Minnesota – As reported by the Duluth News Tribune: "State legislative hearings on the 15-year-old gambling compacts the state holds with 11 American Indian tribes took on accusatory tones in the Minnesota House and Senate on Monday.

"Some House Republican lawmakers suggested the state's inability to adequately police the gambling industry allowed tribes to rip off gamblers, while Democrats said attempts to reopen the compacts or to create new state or privately owned casinos were only thinly veiled forms of racism against American Indians.

"…In question is whether the state has adequate resources to police the industry. The compacts provide $150,000 a year. But that money doesn't even pay the salary of the two state investigators, assigned to make sure casino machines and card games are operated fairly, division director Frank Ball said.

"…[Rep. Lynda Boudreau, R-Faribault,] challenged agency reports that machines failing inspections were either quickly repaired or not mechanically flawed in ways that unfairly benefited the tribes.

"…Boudreau is chief author of a bill that would allow a Nevada gambling company to build a private casino near the Mall of America in Bloomington.

"..Rep. Mike Jaros, DFL-Duluth, called the efforts of Boudreau and other Republicans an outright attack against American Indians…"

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