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Judge Rejects County's Appeal on Casino Boat Ban8 November 2004Las Vegas Sun MYRTLE BEACH, South Carolina -- A Circuit Court judge has refused to change his ruling that casino boats can operate in Georgetown County. The county had argued that it can establish its own rules governing casino boats because the state hasn't acted on them. But Judge Jackson Gregory said during a hearing Friday morning that he would not change his earlier ruling that lets the boats operate because there is no state law prohibiting them. The county is considering an appeal of Jackson's decision to the state Supreme Court, County attorney John "Mac" Tolar said. The County Council also is considering an ordinance that would prevent casino boats from docking within 1,000 feet of churches, day-care centers or schools. Casino boat owner Wallace Cheves says he won't bring in his boat until the county takes a final vote on the ordinance at a meeting next Tuesday. "I think we're going to miss our Thanksgiving deadline, but I hope to be there before the end of the year," Cheves said. Copyright © Las Vegas Sun. Inc. Republished with permission. |