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Courts may decide Florida slots issue18 September 2007TALLAHASSEE, Florida -- As reported by the Orlando Sun Sentinel: "The future of Broward County's slot machines may rest with the courts. "The Florida Supreme Court on Monday was asked to decide whether the vote that opened the door for expanded gambling in Broward and Miami-Dade counties can be nullified if the constitutional amendment was fraudulently put on the ballot. "Gambling opponents contend that many of the voter signatures on the petition that gave the slots question a place on the 2004 general election ballot were forged. "A coalition that includes Floridians Against Expanded Gambling, the Humane Society of the United States and Grey2KUSA, a greyhound protection organization, are seeking a trial to prove their claims and hoping to invalidate the amendment if they are proved right. "...But Floridians for a Level Playing Field, the group financed by the South Florida pro-gambling interests that got the issue before voters, countered that the outcome of the election - passage of the amendment in a statewide vote - should cure the problem..." |