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10 OLG workers expensed at least $2,533 on alcohol over two years

2 September 2009

ONTARIO, Canada -- As reported by the Globe and Mail: "A sales and marketing meeting at the Keg resulted in a $260 liquor tab; 38 people at a pre- Sound of Music business dinner drank $885 worth of alcoholic beverages.

"The Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp.'s 10 highest-paid employees expensed at least $2,533 on alcohol between January, 2007, and December, 2008.

"But it's impossible to tell exactly how much was spent beyond that on drinks: In addition to those expenses, the same employees, each of whom makes more than $200,000 a year, filed dozens of restaurant receipts that give no indication how much of a restaurant tab was for liquor.

"Many of these charges, and reams more, ranging from child care to club memberships and dry cleaning, contravened an expenses policy OLG tried to get out of two years ago.

"More than anything else, however, what stands out from documents made public this week are inconsistencies in what is apparently meant to be much more stringent record-keeping, including changes in who was responsible for approving each employee's expenses, what receipts were required and what expenses were reimbursable.

"Before the Ontario government put a new chief executive officer in place to cleanse the scandal-ridden gambling agency of any lingering accountability issues, the gaming corporation applied to be exempted from guidelines over employee expenditures..."

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