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Top 10 reasons to invest in poker training9 November 2020
For 99% of people playing online or in casinos – winning is the only thing they care about. Today, we look at the top 10 reasons how and why poker training is the most cost effective and worthwhile way to improve your game and earn money at the poker table. 10. Time saving When you pay for poker training services, you are paying for another person’s expertise. Their expertise is something you could potentially reach, but it will take millions of hands and years to get to. If time is money, then the time you will take to get to that level or near it, is surely more costly than the price a typical poker training service cost. 9. Access to other poker software and resources Poker training sites usually share information and tips on great poker resources available to you. Some are unique and innovative tools that can significantly help your game in one way or another. Whether it is a HUD (Heads Up Display) or a bankroll management tool, they will help you take advantage of the most up to date and useful tools. Sometimes they even have deals with these sites where they can get you special discount. 8. They care about you Poker training sites are personally invested in you. How you perform is a reflection on their coaching ability and service. I mentor a few players and I will always go above and beyond to ensure they are getting value for money and making as much money as possible. Most coaches are personally invested in their students and know a good job may mean referrals or testimonials, both of which will increase business and sales in the future. 7. Instill a sense of focus Poker is just played for fun for a lot of people, but soon as you invest in training, your focus is sharpened. You will take it seriously and concentrate far more when you are paying money for it. You will be less complacent and dedicate yourself fully. This might mean playing more patiently or thinking through decisions carefully. Whichever form it takes, it will help your game and win rate. 6. Privacy and confidentiality A poker coach will respect your confidentiality and privacy. If you blow up and lose 10 buy-ins, but don’t want anyone to know, that’s fine. They won’t share any information you tell them or disclose anything about you to others. 5. Record keeping improves In case you didn't know, bankroll management and good record keeping is a must for the serious player. You need to know you are playing at the right level, withdrawing the right amount, improving your hourly win rate and monitoring performance regularly. If you just play and never know how much you are up or down, how will you ever know if you are developing? Most poker training sites will help you in this area, either by setting up a poker excel spreadsheet or making full use of a poker tracker. 4. They open your minds I’m sure you’ve seen the old players at the casino. They play the same way now as they did 30 years ago. People get set in their ways and play robotically. They have their style, and they won’t change. This is true for more players than you believe – even small winners have this trait. A good poker training service will open your mind to new ways of thinking, new strategies you didn’t think of before. Sometimes one tip is all you need to significantly increase your earnings potential. 3. Help you earn money This reason is the most obvious of all. Poker training will help you win more money. Basically, an expert poker training service will far outweigh its costs in the long run. You need to look at poker training as an investment in your ability to earn in the future. You may pay what appears to be a high hourly cost, but if you learn things that improve your win rate by X%, you can easily work out the long-term value and see the long-term value. For instance, if you play around 80 hours a month and typically earn $15 an hour then a 25% hourly rate improvement will earn you around extra $3,600 per year. This assumes the same volume and not moving up stakes too. 2. Flexible training methods Poker training doesn’t just have to be done by Skype, Zoom or a webinar. There are lots of training methods available. You can read, watch, listen, chat and even email. Like most training in 2020, people need to adapt and be flexible to client needs. Poker training is no different and most sites will have a service that is right for you. There are also a wide range of poker courses available focusing on different areas of poker – so whatever your leak is, there should be a course for you. 1. Keep pace with competitors Finally, investing in poker training is something the most ambitious and hardworking players are doing. If you are serious about making money at poker and want to compete and win, you need to keep up with your rivals. In an ever-changing poker landscape, it is survival of the fittest. This means adapting and matching their work ethic to survive.
Top 10 reasons to invest in poker training
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