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Dear Santa

22 December 2020

Dear Santa:

It’s me again. Many years ago when I was nine, which come to think of it was 64 years ago!, I wrote you and asked for a new baseball glove and to be able to run, hit and throw like Mickey Mantle of the New York Yankees. You must have forgotten about me then so I forgot about you for all these years since then.

But now I believe you exist and that with your work load I just slipped through the cracks of your memory. But I am back to ask for things and I have a whole bunch of things I want for Christmas and any of the other holidays you handle too. This list is large so I must start now.

I want to be able to be a good poker player. Right now if I have a good hand that hand lights up on my forehead saying, “I have four aces!” or some such, and all the other players fold and I am left with a great big hand and a small pot. I want to be inscrutable at the poker table without having to wear sunglasses or a mask over my face.

I want to be able to get blackjacks every 10 hands instead of every 20 hands. I also want to win 66 percent of my hands. I want to lose a few because I don’t want the casino to know the kind of good luck you are going to bestow on me.

I want a host that caters to my every need and the needs of all my relatives and friends and the needs of anyone I send to the host even if that person is a low-roller. Give them rooms; give them meals. Make them seel like kings and queens. I want my group of people to always be welcome in the casino and to have good luck even if they are not way ahead of the house.

I want all my books to continue to sell well and help my readers to be the best players they can be. There is no reason why any player has to play poorly even though they face house edges on just about every bet they will make.

I want to be lucky in everything I do – good lucky, not bad lucky. I want good luck to all those people who have been my friends and supporters. Let my family thrive.

Now to bigger things: Enough with war and famine and bad feelings among humankind. Let the human race be happy and fruitful without destroying our world through our greed – except for my greed in the casinos that is.

Let the angry posters on social media take a nap and cool down. They are too fraught with themselves.

Let fanatics of every stripe wake up and see that they are no more right or wrong than all the other fanatics who think of themselves as right and everyone else as wrong. Just calm down. You are not “sinners in the hands of an angry god” anymore; nor are your fellow human beings. The angry deities have retired to their mountain tops. Zeus is sleeping it all off.

One last thing if you can pull this off. Let us all be immortal and fun loving and head for the planets and the galaxy to explore and disover.

But most important is number one at the top of the beginning of the article.

Frank’s web site is His books are available on smile., Barnes and Noble, kindle, e-books and at bookstores.
Frank Scoblete

Frank Scoblete is the #1 best selling gaming author in America. His newest books are Slots Conquest: How to Beat the Slot Machines; Everything Casino Poker: Get the Edge at Video Poker, Texas Hold'em, Omaha Hi-Lo and Pai Gow Poker!; Beat Blackjack Now: The Easiest Way to Get the Edge; Casino Craps: Shoot to Win!; Cutting Edge Craps: Advanced Strategies for Serious Players; Casino Conquest: Beat the Casinos at Their Own Games! and The Virgin Kiss.

Frank and Casino City Times columnist Jerry "Stickman" teach private lessons in dice control. Frank's books are available at, in bookstores or by mail order. Call 1-800-944-0406 or write to Frank Scoblete Enterprises, PO Box 446, Malverne, NY 11565. Frank can also be reached by email at

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Frank Scoblete
Frank Scoblete is the #1 best selling gaming author in America. His newest books are Slots Conquest: How to Beat the Slot Machines; Everything Casino Poker: Get the Edge at Video Poker, Texas Hold'em, Omaha Hi-Lo and Pai Gow Poker!; Beat Blackjack Now: The Easiest Way to Get the Edge; Casino Craps: Shoot to Win!; Cutting Edge Craps: Advanced Strategies for Serious Players; Casino Conquest: Beat the Casinos at Their Own Games! and The Virgin Kiss.

Frank and Casino City Times columnist Jerry "Stickman" teach private lessons in dice control. Frank's books are available at, in bookstores or by mail order. Call 1-800-944-0406 or write to Frank Scoblete Enterprises, PO Box 446, Malverne, NY 11565. Frank can also be reached by email at

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