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Woman claims $93 million Superlotto jackpot12 September 2007SACRAMENTO, California -- (PRESS RELEASE) -- After a highly publicized search, Judy Taylor, an executive assistant from Alameda, has finally come forward as the lucky winner of the $93 Million SuperLOTTO PlusĀ® jackpot drawn on Saturday, September 1, 2007! Taylor is the 19th millionaire crowned by the California Lottery in 2007! After hearing the winner had not yet come forward on the news, Taylor's niece checked her Aunt's numbers on the internet. "When I realized that I had the winning ticket we were all screaming like crazy and I fell to the floor," said Taylor. "Then I called my boss to tell him that I was going to be late for a surreal reason." Taylor wanted to go tuck her ticket away somewhere safe. Taylor said she has never had a lucky experience like this one. When asked what she would do with her Lottery winnings, Taylor said, "I want to buy a new car and a house, because I've been a renter all my life! In the future I'd also like to travel to the Greek Islands and my favorite city, Hong Kong." Ms. Taylor enjoys going to work everyday and explained that she does not plan to quit her job, although it sounds like she might be using more of her vacation time! The winning combination for the Super LOTTO Plus draw on Saturday, September 1, was 5, 14, 22, 47, 39 with a MEGA number of 10. Taylor purchased the winning SuperLOTTO Plus ticket at Harbor Bay 76 in Alameda. As the retailer who sold the winning ticket, Harbor Bay 76 will receive a bonus of $465,000. The California State Lottery contributes at least 34 cents of every dollar that players spend on Lottery products to public education and returns more than 50 percent of sales to players in the form of prizes. Since its inception in 1985, the Lottery has contributed more than $19 billion to California school out of total sales of more than $52 billion. Retailers win too, earning $3.3 billion in compensation since 1985. |