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US Boosts Odds For Net Gambling in Australia

4 August 2000

AUSTRALIA –Aug. 4, 2000—As reported by the Australian Financial Review: "United States steps to ban internet gambling have temporarily stalled, removing a source of moral support for similar moves in Australia.

"A spokesman for the Minister for Communications Senator Richard Alston said yesterday that the defeat of the Goodlatte bill put to Congress last month would not stop moves to ban internet gaming in Australia.

"…The Federal Government is presently drafting legislation to halt new interactive gambling services being introduced over the next 12 months.

"…Broker UBS Warburg claimed the rejection of the anti-internet gambling legislation in the US would take pressure off the Federal Government.

"The Democratic Party had opposed the Goodlatte bill as it contained significant exemptions and was ``technology specific'' in focusing on the internet rather than gambling more generally…"

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