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London lads win trip to Playboy mansion

17 January 2008

ONDON, England -- (PRESS RELEASE) -- Leonardo DiCaprio, Owen Wilson and Paris Hilton are just some of the celebrities that have helped Hugh Hefner party at the infamous Playboy Mansion recently.

However, this New Year, thanks to an online casino there were two extra names that made it on to the sacred Playboy Mansion guest list that may be a little less recognizable.

Julian and David two friends from London, made an all expenses paid trip of a lifetime to drop in on 'Hef' and his glamorous Playmates at The Mansion in Los Angeles.

So, how did the lads find themselves with the key to the legendary manor? Well, as it happens, visiting Hef was not quite as difficult as you might think. Julian and David are big fans of Playboy's Online Casino and took part in an ongoing promotion that allows player's to visit The Playboy Mansion.

"Winning the trip to the Playboy Mansion through was probably one of the most exciting moments of my life" said Julien, speaking to us from LA, "And I can assure you that the experience has not been a let down! The weather is fantastic and the views aren't too bad either!"

Mr. Sinclair added, "The Playboy Mansion is everything you expect it to be and more! We were given a guided tour by two gorgeous Playmates, who even took us to the Grotto and swimming pool where Hef has had so many of his parties. What a start to the new year, I can safely say that David and myself have a lifetime of bragging rights to all our mates!"

Peter Marcus Spokesman for online casino said, "This is a real money can't buy experience, to get to visit the mansion and have lunch with two gorgeous playmates is an amazing achievement and our top prize at Playboy Casino, I can't wait to take our next Playboy Casino or Poker winners there". and offer players of online casino games amazing prizes such as free subscriptions to Playboy Magazine and TV right up to special jackpot prizes worth well over £500,000.

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