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Gaming Expert Says Northern Nevada Needs a United Front to Promote Region1 October 2003NEVADA -- As reported by the Reno Gazette-Journal: ``Northern Nevada communities must unite to diversify the region's economy and fight the onslaught of California tribal gaming, a Minden business gathering was told Tuesday. ```We cannot turn our backs on gaming-based tourism. We can ill afford to have it go off the cliff. It will drag us with it,' Reno gaming expert Bill Eadington said in the keynote address at the 10th annual Critical Issues Conference. ``…But the message from speakers went beyond political borders: To survive in the hotly competitive world of commerce, business interests must break down barriers. ``…Ron Weisinger, executive director of the Carson City-based Northern Nevada Development Authority, cited his agency's recent cooperative agreement with the Reno-based Economic Development Authority of Western Nevada. ```We sell Northern Nevada as one region with 500,000 people,' he said. 'If we don't sell ourselves as a region, we're going to die.'…" |