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Driving Kyl Kookoo

27 March 1997

Remember how twitchy Colin Powell was about invading Iran?

He did not want to start something he couldn't finish. NO MORE VIETNAMS was the military motto. Powell demanded a real commitment from the President. An objective, and a way out. That was before he would even look at committing US forces.

Thank heavens it was President Bush making the decisions and not Senator Kyl.

No rushing in where angels fear to tread for Colin, no way. Guess that's why he hasn't run for President yet. No half-baked little wars for, he gained the support of the Allies and moved real careful like.

Not so Senator Kyl. The fast-moving Senator wants to make all gambling on the 'Net a criminal offence. He's after those nasty gangster types. You know the kind I mean. Evil, devious, like.......The Swiss National Lottery people.

Them gun totin', cheap whiskey swilling, Swiss Burgers and their Molls now have an on-line site for their lottery and they are advertising like hell over the Internet to all the fishfinders in Minnesota.

Here is what they say at their site:-

"How to play the Swiss Lotto Lottery:"

"If you don't live in Switzerland, it is not easy to play Swiss Lotto because you have to go to a Swiss Lotto Office in order to play your numbers. But, today, thanks to the INTERNET anyone can play Swiss Lotto."

Heavens above, they even say that "Win prizes are payed by Wire Transfer". There you go, they "admit" they are breaking the US Wire Act. Go get 'em, Justice Department! Hubert! Your country needs you! A NAAG, a NAAG, my kingdom for a NAAG. Book 'em, Fritzo.

America's 10 Most Wanted Gambling Criminals (So Far) The Pope (and that Priest in the Cayman Islands who's raising $$ for his parish)
The Red Cross
The Australian OTB (NSW)
The Swiss National Lottery
Liechtenstein Interlotto
Nordwestdeutsche Klassenlotterie (German)

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