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CAP hosts Spring Break BBQ27 March 2008LONDON, England -- (PRESS RELEASE) -- In true CAP SpringBreak style the first sponsored event announced by the organizers is a fantastic beach barbeque taking place on the first full day of the event straight after the final table of the ASOP (Affiliate Series of Poker) so the winner can celebrate in true Cypriot style. Like any event that takes place at CAP SpringBreak this won't be just any old barbeque on the beach with warm beer and burnt sausages. In fact the sponsors have promised this will be a party you won't want to miss out on with plenty of surprises and Cypriot themed twists to the event from souvlaki, sheftlalia and haloumi to specially selected Cypriot cocktails and surprises. "I am really pleased excited about this event – It really shows the commitment these guys have for making CAP SpringBreak in Cyprus the best one yet," commented Louis Fabiano, founder of and CAP SpringBreak. "You just can't beat hanging out at a barbeque with friends and colleagues from the affiliate community, and not just any barbeque, this is the ultimate in barbeques with an incredible location coupled with traditional Cypriot food and drink." The barbeque itself will be taking place at Drops Café bar which is located literally on the beach providing affiliates with an incredible backdrop of sun, sea and sand to enjoy – In fact the barbeque runs all the way from midday to seven pm which means guests will also be able to enjoy the incredible Cyprus sun set before setting off for the next CAP SpringBreak event! If you want to thank the sponsors before or after the event you will find them both exhibiting at the Poker Conference, which takes place for the two days preceding CAP SpringBreak. Their well known brands include RedKings Poker, BGroom, Prime Casino, Prime Poker and Prime Scratchcards.
CAP hosts Spring Break BBQ
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