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Canada: Give Them Slots or They'll Fold27 May 2002CANADA -- As reported by the Vancouver Province: ``Two Vancouver casinos are likely to pack up their cards and relocate if they don't get a slice of new slot-machine action, says a report to Vancouver City Council. ``The Grand and the Royal Diamond casinos may each have 300 slot machines, if the city agrees. ``The report, to be considered by council tomorrow, says the casinos will `likely' relocate to slot-friendly cities if permission is not forthcoming. ``The report notes up to $200 million in gambling revenue is at stake as Vancouver's estimated share of the proceeds over the next 20 years. ```The regional, provincial and national trend is to accept slot machines as part of casino gaming,' says the staff report. ``Richmond council tomorrow will also discuss allowing the one-armed bandits. ``...At present, only Burnaby, Coquitlam and New Westminster approve of slot machines..." ``...B.C. has 2,999 slots, behind Ontario (10,609), Quebec (5,590) and Alberta (4,871)..." |