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Bwin reports results

23 August 2007


- Gross gaming revenues of EUR 165.1 million (H1 2006: EUR 144.9
million excl. US operations)

- 1.1 million active and 378,000 new active real-money customers

- EBITDA at EUR 30.0 million (H1 2006: -EUR 3.8 million)

- Result after tax EUR 4.3 million (H1 2006: -EUR 27.1 million)

bwin increased gross gaming revenues (excl. US operations) to EUR 165.1
million for H1 2007, up 13.9 per cent over H1 2006, which was dominated by
the Soccer World Championships in Germany. This result was achieved despite
the suspension of the Company's range of online gaming products in Turkey
at the beginning of March 2007 and a below-average sports betting margin in
Q2 2007.

Gross gaming revenue from sports betting rose by 8.3 per cent compared
to H1 2006, to EUR 87.5 million (H1 2006: EUR 80.8 million), with a sports
betting margin of 8.4 per cent in H1 2007. Gross gaming revenues generated
from the poker, casino and games sectors amounted to EUR 40.0 million (H1
2006: EUR 28.9 million excl. US operations), EUR 30.7 million (H1 2006: EUR
28.8 million excl. US operations) and EUR 6.8 million (H1 2006: EUR 6.5
million excl. US operations) respectively.

The development of active and new active real-money customers in H1
2007 was significantly affected by the suspension of the Company's range of
online gaming products in Turkey at the beginning of March 2007, and a
marked reduction in the marketing budget. The latter had a particular
impact on the growth of new customers. The marketing mix is only expected
to be optimized during the coming year, due to the inertia effects in
sports sponsoring. By comparison with H1 2006 when the Soccer World
Championships took place, in H1 2007 the number of active customers
declined by 12.8 per cent, from 1,253,000 (excl. US operations) to
1,093,000. Of these, a total of 378,000 customers were active for the first
time in H1 2007 (H1 2006: 717,000 excl. US operations).

As a result of the strategic reorientation already announced, operating
expenses of EUR 135.7 million in H1 2007 were down in comparison to H1 2006
(EUR 176.1 million), making a significant contribution to the improved

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA)
rose to EUR 30.0 million compared to H1 2006 (EUR -3.8 million). Operating
income (EBIT) rose from EUR -30.2 million in H1 2006 to EUR 7.4 million in
H1 2007. A profit after tax and third-party interests of EUR 4.3 million
was reported for H1 2007, in contrast to a loss of EUR 27.1 million for the
comparable period the previous year.

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