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Bluff Media, iStreamPlanet Co. team up9 October 2007AS VEGAS, Nevada -- (PRESS RELEASE) -- Bluff Media and iStreamPlanet Co. have teamed up once again, along with Limelight Networks, a leading content delivery for digital media, to bring the World Series of Poker to thousands of poker fans across the globe. Making good on the promise to bring a dynamic, fully customizable viewing experience to customers by third quarter of 2007, iStreamPlanet Co. has provided Bluff Media their iStream Player built on the Microsoft Silverlight technology to organize, manage and deliver exclusive interviews from the 2007 World Series of Poker. In addition to consistent look and feel, as well as compatibility across different platforms, the iStream Player provides a new and innovative way to immerse audiences in rich-media. "Back in July we made the commitment to fully take advantage of the Microsoft Silverlight technology and show the world what is possible with this dynamic and truly innovative new platform," said Mio Babic, President and CEO of iStreamPlanet Co. "Our iStream Player is something that customers can take advantage immediately to manage all their content, design their branded player and put it on their website quickly and cost effectively. With the iStream Player and Microsoft Silverlight, customers now have one platform that will work on any browser and operating system and will make the user experience as enticing as anything on the internet." With iStreamPlanet's iStream Player and Microsoft Silverlight, Bluff Media is now able to offer this viewing experience, without having to deal with multiple media formats, multiple media players and transcoding. Since the World Series of Poker streams most of its tournament live exclusively in Windows Media, in the past, they would have had to then transcode into other formats for on-demand if they wanted to ensure that viewers on other platforms could enjoy a consistent viewing experience. So, while fans have been flocking to the World Series of Poker website, player experience, logic and the bottom line made the choice to upgrade with the iStream Player an obvious one. "The World Series of Poker, with iStreamPlanet's Silverlight-based iStreamPlayer, is a great example of the cross-platform rich media experience for which Silverlight was created. We are proud to see what iStreamPlanet and the World Series of Poker have accomplished with the technology and we look forward to seeing what comes next," said Sean Alexander, Director of Silverlight at Microsoft Corp. "We are very pleased with the new look and feel of iStream's Player experience. The ability to manage multiple pieces of content and offer it to our customers with the continuity of the brand, is something that we know would have taken weeks if not months, as well as been a cost in terms of design and implementation fees, had we gone with a systems integrator and done this in other formats or platforms. iStream provided us with the code for their player and it was a matter of hours before we had this experience up on our site for the whole world to view," added Nick Geber, Director of Radio and TV Production. |