Black Hawk's casinos generated over 72% of gaming revenue in the state. Statewide November gaming revenue reached $53.2 million, an increase of 7.4% from November 2000.
President and CEO, H. Thomas Winn, said, ``The Black Hawk market continues to demonstrate a superior growth rate.''
Nevada Gold and Casinos owns 43% of the Isle of Capri Casino-Black Hawk, through a joint venture with Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc. (Nasdaq: ISLE), the largest hotel casino in Colorado and 51% ownership in the Dry Creek Casino, LLC, who with its members, will assist the Dry Creek Band of Pomo Indians in the development of their casino in Sonoma County, California, 70 miles north of San Francisco. Nevada Gold & Casinos owns others assets including over 850 acres on Wellesley Island in upstate New York, which is planned for development into an upscale resort and 240 acres contiguous to the city of Black Hawk, Colorado, which UWN plans to develop into a master planned community. Nevada Gold also owns approximately 30% of Restaurant Connections International, which owns Pizza Hut restaurants in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
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