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AWA changes name, launches new system at CAP Barcelona

5 October 2007

Barcelona, Spain (PRESS RELEASE) - To a capacity crowd at the Casino Affiliate Programs industry tradeshow in Barcelona, the affiliate marketing program known as Affiliated Web Attractions (AWA) announced the launch of a state-of-the-art private affiliate platform that has been in development since CAP London in January and tested by top affiliates this summer. In addition, the marketing group AWA will be changing its name to Everest Affiliates, effectively immediately.

The development of a completely new private affiliate platform was required due to the rapid growth and popularity of the flagship Everest Poker brand now one of the top 10 online poker rooms in the world (source: Everest feels that the platform will be adopted very quickly since the design process included the cooperation of a select group of AWA "power user" partners.

"To my knowledge, this was the first time a large, private performance marketing program (or network) was built from scratch using the direct input of key affiliates." said Bob Land, Director of Affiliate Marketing for Everest. "It's rare that affiliates can find a private program with the features, performance and reliability found solely in the largest public networks such as TradeDoubler and Commission Junction."

Critical for existing AWA affiliates to note is that the current affiliate platform will continue to operate for at least another 12 to 18 months. "There are approximately 10,000 active affiliates in the program and a disruption to their way of doing business is not acceptable - even if the new platform does have huge upside." Land cautioned, "One thing I have learned from other successful affiliate program "migrations" such as the consolidation of the eBay program to Commission Junction and the shutdown of the BeFree network in the U.S. is that we need to over-communicate with our partners every step of the way. What also helps the success of these operations is that when everyone involved understands that net result is going to be amazing, they all work together to make it happen."

Existing partners are invited to work with their Account Managers to start the process of opening new accounts. The official end of the Beta program is October 20th at which time, new affiliates can join the program at

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