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Applied Gaming Solutions Expands Into Ho Chi Minh City25 May 2000CALGARY, Alberta--(Press Release)--May 24, 2000--Applied Gaming Solutions of Canada Inc.(CDNX:AGC. - news; AGS) is pleased to announce that the government authorities in Vietnam have approved the expansion of the online lottery program into Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon). This major development marks the second phase of the on-line lottery program and the beginning of the national rollout into cities across Vietnam. This new contract is subject to final negotiations and agreement, which are currently on going. This expansion will include the participation of all twenty government lottery corporations of southern Vietnam. Primarily focused in the Ho Chi Minh City region, the corporation will install 1200 terminals into Vietnam's most populous area which accounted for approximately 85% of the nations lottery revenues. According to Vietnamese Government officials, the Ho Chi Minh City region generated approximately $600 Million dollars (CDN) in lottery revenues in fiscal 1999, almost 20 times the gross lottery revenues generated during the same period in the Vietnamese Capital of Hanoi. The economy of Ho Chi Minh City has been growing steadily at a pace of approximately 12% per annum since the early 1990's. The regions GDP is estimated at 44.6 billion dollars US and current OECD estimates continued growth at a rate of 8% per annum, for the remainder of the first decade of this century. David Aftergood, President & CEO, of Applied Gaming Solutions of Canada Inc., said: ``We are gratified to have been selected to assist the Vietnamese Government Authorities in implementing the expansion of the online lottery program into Ho Chi Minh City, the major economic heartland of Vietnam. "We are confident that the enhanced level of sophistication of lottery players along with the advanced economic and technical infrastructure in Ho Chi Minh City will significantly contribute to the success of the online lottery program in the southern region. '' The first development phase was the installation and implementation of the on-line lottery system in Hanoi, the national capital. The lottery officially opened on August 9, 1999. AGS has a seven-year contract to provide technical support for the Hanoi portion of the lottery system, which is being operated by the Construction Lottery of the Capital-Hanoi. Online lotteries give players various types of pari-mutual and progressive lottery games to choose from. Currently in Hanoi, the lottery program offers a daily Lotto 1-2-3 and a weekly Lotto 6x36, similar to Lotto 6-49 in Canada. The program in Ho Chi Minh City will offer more games with larger prizes and local variations. In a related development, the Corporation has been engaged in discussions with two financing groups and expects to make an announcement shortly. Applied Gaming Solutions of Canada Inc. is a global leader in the outsource management of online lotteries, e-gaming solutions and related professional services for delivery to a growing audience of international governments. Today, AGC leads the technical and marketing support activities for the on-line lottery system run by the Construction Lottery of the Capital-Hanoi in Vietnam, delivered in conjunction with its' suppliers AWI, a division of Anchor Gaming [NASDAQ:SLOT], IBM [NYSE:IBM] and Motorola [NYSE:MOT]. For further information, please visit our website at: |