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Always Hedge the Bet if You Hear Always21 July 2000DETROIT, MICHIGAN -- July 21, 2000 – As reported by the Detroit Free Press: "Gamblers are always looking for secrets that will turn them into winners. Usually they want something simple: a principle that `always' wins, or a mistake that they should `never' make. "But if there were plenty of easy secrets about gambling, don't you think they'd have gotten out by now? The desire for this kind of information is fueled by human nature and by hucksters. Because these shady characters lack ethics, they don't have any problems making claims they can't back up. "…Play in casinos that have lots of local competition. "Play slots in high traffic areas. "…Your own experience is probably more valuable than any general slot principle. If you find that the machine that pays off most frequently is in a corner somewhere, you should tend to stick with your experience and not the principle about high traffic areas. " |