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Air Force Credit Cards Used for Gambling, Casino Party

20 December 2002

WASHINGTON, DC – As reported by the Associated Press: "The Army and Navy have been pilloried for abuse of government credit cards. Now it's the Air Force's turn.

"Air Force plastic was used for cruises, gambling, adult clubs, Dallas Cowboys football games, a down payment on a sapphire ring and a general's Las Vegas casino party.

"…The General Accounting Office, Congress' investigative agency, said in findings obtained Thursday that Air Force personnel who abused their credit cards often were not disciplined - although officials are now cracking down.

"The GAO also said the Air Force was to blame for much of the abuse, often committed by lower-grade cardholders. Too many people - one of every seven Air Force employees - were given the cards and credit limits, 12 to 20 times higher than actual spending, were far too high, the GAO found.

"…`As of March 31, 2002, approximately 8,000 Air Force cardholders had over $5 million in delinquent debt' on the travel cards, the GAO said…"

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